[Games] Judged CAF with all my favs
I'll judge the first 15, if I get a lot of responses I'll judge a second group.
LN: Start with H or K
I'm sorry if this is too much to choose from...
Acantha, Adjoa, Alexis, Alix, Allegra, Amara, Amaryllis, Amaya, Amber, Amélie, Anaïs, Anemone, Annika, Anouk, Anthea, Antigone, Apollonia, Aria, Ariadne, Artemis, Arwen, Asia, Athena, Aurelia, Avalon, Ayomide, Azalea, Azura, Bellatrix, Bente, Bijou, Brogan, Bronte, Bronwen, Calanthe, Calix, Calliope, Caprice, Carmen, Caron, Cassandra, Cassiopeia, Catalin, Ceres, Chloe, Christine, Damaris, Danaë, Danica, Demeter, Dilys, Dixie, Dolores, Doris, Eileen, Elena, Enya, Enyo, Era, Eris, Evelyn, Faye, Gillian, Guinevere, Hero, Hester, Imani, Imogen, India, Indigo, Indira, Iris, Isolde, Jade, Jolene, Jolie, Jonna, Juliet, June, Juniper, Kalani, Kalea, Kayleigh, Kirsten, Lacey, Lark, Lavender, Layla, Leilani, Lilac, Liv, Lyric, Maya, Mercedes, Midori, Mohana, Morana, Morgana, Morwenna, Naomi, Nathalie, Niamh, Nimue, Noa, Noémi, Noelle, Nora, Odalis, Paige, Pelagia, Penelope, Quinn, Raine, Ravenna, Rhiannon, Rosario, Rosemary, Sadie, Sage, San, Seraphine, Silver, Skylar, Sora, Tess, Valencia, Venetia, Verona, Willow, Winter, Zorione
Adrastos, Agamemnon, Agostinho, Alejandro, Alessio, Alexis, Amerigo, Anakin, Andreas, Angel, Antinanco, Aquila, Ares, Arrigo, Arturo, Ash, Asher, Ashton, Atticus, Attilio, Azrael, Bailey, Balthazar, Barclay, Bas, Beowulf, Bijay, Boaz, Bogdan, Bonaventura, Braxton, Brogan, Bronte, Brooklyn, Cadfael, Calix, Camden, Caradoc, Carlos, Caspian, Castor, Cathal, César, Chris, Christos, Cole, Conchobhar, Connor, Constantine, Cruz, Cyrano, D’Artagnan, Dakarai, Damian, Damocles, Damodar, Dante, Darko, Dashiell, David, Deacon, Declan, Detlef, Didier, Diego, Donatello, Donovan, Dragan, Dragomir, Draven, Dustin, Eleazar, Enrique, Erasmus, Ezra, Fabrizio, Farouk, Farrell, Firenze, Ford, Fox, Gabor, Gabriel, Gad, Gage, Galahad, Gallagher, Ganix, Gavin, Genghis, Geronimo, Giorgio, Govannon, Graham, Gray, Griffin, Guillermo, Gunnar, Harold, Harrison, Haven, Heath, Hugo, Hunter, Ikaika, Imre, Indiana, Iskender, Jachin, Jacob, Jaden, Jago, James, Jamey, Jaromir, Jason, Javier, Jaxon, Jeremiah, Jesse, Joachim, Joaquin, Joash, Jochem, Jonah, Josh, Joshua, Josiah, Jotham, Jouni, Jowan, Jupiter, Justice, Kai, Kaiser, Keanu, Keith, Kenji, Kenshin, Kentigern, Kester, Kieran, Koen, Kristof, Kyler, Laszlo, Landon, Legolas, Lennox, Leo, Lex, Logan, Loki, Lotus, Luca, Lucian, Luke, Macario, Maddox, Makaio, Malachy, Mannix, Mark, Marlowe, Marmaduke, Marquis, Mason, Massimiliano, Matteo, Max, Maxen, Maximillian, Micaiah, Michelangelo, Miles, Mordecai, Mstislav, Musa, Nicholas, Nicodemus, Noach, Noah, Oberon, Omar, Orion, Oscar, Osiris, Ossian, Oz, Pantheras, Parker, Parris, Paxton, Pellegrino, Pepe, Pim, Pollux, Porter, Priam, Prospero, Quinn, Quirino, Radovan, Rafael, Raiden, Rainer, Ramses, Rembrandt, Rhys, Rico, Riley, Rio, River, Ronan, Rodrigo, Rohan, Roman, Romeo, Roscoe, Rostislav, Rowley, Royce, Ruben, Ruggiero, Rune, Ryan, Ryo, Ryuu, Sage, Salvador, Sanjay, Santiago, Scott, Sebastian, Sepp, Shawn, Shiloh, Silver, Sinjin, Socrates, Spartacus, Spiridion, Spiro, Stanislav, Steffen, Stellan, Stoyan, Sylvester, Taranis, Taro, Tarquin, Theron, Thierry, Thor, Tiago, Tibor, Tobin, Torquil, Traian, Tristan, Troy, Turgay, Tycho, Tyge, Urban, Valerian, Vangelis, Vasco, Vercingetorix, Vespasianus, Vladimir, Wolfram, Woodrow, Xavior, Xenophon, Zion, Zorion
To my sweet muse
Every time you rip my heart out
Every time you break it
I pick up the pen I hold in my hands
And write the most beautiful poems
But you know what
If it's alright by you
I'd rather be happy than a poet
LN: Start with H or K
I'm sorry if this is too much to choose from...
Acantha, Adjoa, Alexis, Alix, Allegra, Amara, Amaryllis, Amaya, Amber, Amélie, Anaïs, Anemone, Annika, Anouk, Anthea, Antigone, Apollonia, Aria, Ariadne, Artemis, Arwen, Asia, Athena, Aurelia, Avalon, Ayomide, Azalea, Azura, Bellatrix, Bente, Bijou, Brogan, Bronte, Bronwen, Calanthe, Calix, Calliope, Caprice, Carmen, Caron, Cassandra, Cassiopeia, Catalin, Ceres, Chloe, Christine, Damaris, Danaë, Danica, Demeter, Dilys, Dixie, Dolores, Doris, Eileen, Elena, Enya, Enyo, Era, Eris, Evelyn, Faye, Gillian, Guinevere, Hero, Hester, Imani, Imogen, India, Indigo, Indira, Iris, Isolde, Jade, Jolene, Jolie, Jonna, Juliet, June, Juniper, Kalani, Kalea, Kayleigh, Kirsten, Lacey, Lark, Lavender, Layla, Leilani, Lilac, Liv, Lyric, Maya, Mercedes, Midori, Mohana, Morana, Morgana, Morwenna, Naomi, Nathalie, Niamh, Nimue, Noa, Noémi, Noelle, Nora, Odalis, Paige, Pelagia, Penelope, Quinn, Raine, Ravenna, Rhiannon, Rosario, Rosemary, Sadie, Sage, San, Seraphine, Silver, Skylar, Sora, Tess, Valencia, Venetia, Verona, Willow, Winter, Zorione
Adrastos, Agamemnon, Agostinho, Alejandro, Alessio, Alexis, Amerigo, Anakin, Andreas, Angel, Antinanco, Aquila, Ares, Arrigo, Arturo, Ash, Asher, Ashton, Atticus, Attilio, Azrael, Bailey, Balthazar, Barclay, Bas, Beowulf, Bijay, Boaz, Bogdan, Bonaventura, Braxton, Brogan, Bronte, Brooklyn, Cadfael, Calix, Camden, Caradoc, Carlos, Caspian, Castor, Cathal, César, Chris, Christos, Cole, Conchobhar, Connor, Constantine, Cruz, Cyrano, D’Artagnan, Dakarai, Damian, Damocles, Damodar, Dante, Darko, Dashiell, David, Deacon, Declan, Detlef, Didier, Diego, Donatello, Donovan, Dragan, Dragomir, Draven, Dustin, Eleazar, Enrique, Erasmus, Ezra, Fabrizio, Farouk, Farrell, Firenze, Ford, Fox, Gabor, Gabriel, Gad, Gage, Galahad, Gallagher, Ganix, Gavin, Genghis, Geronimo, Giorgio, Govannon, Graham, Gray, Griffin, Guillermo, Gunnar, Harold, Harrison, Haven, Heath, Hugo, Hunter, Ikaika, Imre, Indiana, Iskender, Jachin, Jacob, Jaden, Jago, James, Jamey, Jaromir, Jason, Javier, Jaxon, Jeremiah, Jesse, Joachim, Joaquin, Joash, Jochem, Jonah, Josh, Joshua, Josiah, Jotham, Jouni, Jowan, Jupiter, Justice, Kai, Kaiser, Keanu, Keith, Kenji, Kenshin, Kentigern, Kester, Kieran, Koen, Kristof, Kyler, Laszlo, Landon, Legolas, Lennox, Leo, Lex, Logan, Loki, Lotus, Luca, Lucian, Luke, Macario, Maddox, Makaio, Malachy, Mannix, Mark, Marlowe, Marmaduke, Marquis, Mason, Massimiliano, Matteo, Max, Maxen, Maximillian, Micaiah, Michelangelo, Miles, Mordecai, Mstislav, Musa, Nicholas, Nicodemus, Noach, Noah, Oberon, Omar, Orion, Oscar, Osiris, Ossian, Oz, Pantheras, Parker, Parris, Paxton, Pellegrino, Pepe, Pim, Pollux, Porter, Priam, Prospero, Quinn, Quirino, Radovan, Rafael, Raiden, Rainer, Ramses, Rembrandt, Rhys, Rico, Riley, Rio, River, Ronan, Rodrigo, Rohan, Roman, Romeo, Roscoe, Rostislav, Rowley, Royce, Ruben, Ruggiero, Rune, Ryan, Ryo, Ryuu, Sage, Salvador, Sanjay, Santiago, Scott, Sebastian, Sepp, Shawn, Shiloh, Silver, Sinjin, Socrates, Spartacus, Spiridion, Spiro, Stanislav, Steffen, Stellan, Stoyan, Sylvester, Taranis, Taro, Tarquin, Theron, Thierry, Thor, Tiago, Tibor, Tobin, Torquil, Traian, Tristan, Troy, Turgay, Tycho, Tyge, Urban, Valerian, Vangelis, Vasco, Vercingetorix, Vespasianus, Vladimir, Wolfram, Woodrow, Xavior, Xenophon, Zion, Zorion
Every time you rip my heart out
Every time you break it
I pick up the pen I hold in my hands
And write the most beautiful poems
But you know what
If it's alright by you
I'd rather be happy than a poet
This message was edited 3/19/2006, 2:19 PM
LN: Kellar
DH: Lex Tristan Silver
DW: Azura Quinn
DS: Camden Malachy Valerian
DD: Calix Skylar Antigone
DS/DS: Anikin Bronte Pollix / Gage Sebastian River
DD/DD: Avalon Ravenna Kirsten / Lyric Pelagia Jolie
DS: Lennox Indiana Maxen
DS: Kaiser Zion Rainer
Lex and Azura Kellar have Camden, Calix, Anikin, Gage, Avalon, Lyric, Lennox and Kaiser
DH: Lex Tristan Silver
DW: Azura Quinn
DS: Camden Malachy Valerian
DD: Calix Skylar Antigone
DS/DS: Anikin Bronte Pollix / Gage Sebastian River
DD/DD: Avalon Ravenna Kirsten / Lyric Pelagia Jolie
DS: Lennox Indiana Maxen
DS: Kaiser Zion Rainer
Lex and Azura Kellar have Camden, Calix, Anikin, Gage, Avalon, Lyric, Lennox and Kaiser
judging started: new entries will not be judged, but feel free to play!
To my sweet muse
Every time you rip my heart out
Every time you break it
I pick up the pen I hold in my hands
And write the most beautiful poems
But you know what
If it's alright by you
I'd rather be happy than a poet
Every time you rip my heart out
Every time you break it
I pick up the pen I hold in my hands
And write the most beautiful poems
But you know what
If it's alright by you
I'd rather be happy than a poet
LN: Harper
DH: Hugo Ford
DW: Dolores Winter
DS: Mark Jeremiah
DD: Cassandra Willow
DS/DS Maddox David / Lennox Gage
DD/DD: Faye Rhiannon / Rosemary Juliet
DS: Scott Michaelangelo
DS: Rohan Luke
S xx
The truth is, I have met the right person, only he's not in love with me, and until I stop loving him no-one else stands a chance
(Four Weddings and a Funeral)
DH: Hugo Ford
DW: Dolores Winter
DS: Mark Jeremiah
DD: Cassandra Willow
DS/DS Maddox David / Lennox Gage
DD/DD: Faye Rhiannon / Rosemary Juliet
DS: Scott Michaelangelo
DS: Rohan Luke
S xx
The truth is, I have met the right person, only he's not in love with me, and until I stop loving him no-one else stands a chance
(Four Weddings and a Funeral)
WHOOPS. Last name=Kane
LN: Huerta
DH: Luke Maximillian Diego
DW: Nathalie Elena Christine
DS: Nicholas Ryan Matteo *Nick*
DD: Lacey Avalon Rosemary
DS/DS: Landon Miles Salvador / Deacon River Santiago
DD/DD: Cassandra Evelyn Iris / Juliet Valencia Chloe *Julie*
DS: Roman David Joaquin
DS: Connor Damian Cruz

Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Michelle Rene, Carrie Elisabeth Marie, Faith Monica Reese
Cade Preston, Grant William, Jude Hamilton
DH: Luke Maximillian Diego
DW: Nathalie Elena Christine
DS: Nicholas Ryan Matteo *Nick*
DD: Lacey Avalon Rosemary
DS/DS: Landon Miles Salvador / Deacon River Santiago
DD/DD: Cassandra Evelyn Iris / Juliet Valencia Chloe *Julie*
DS: Roman David Joaquin
DS: Connor Damian Cruz
Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Michelle Rene, Carrie Elisabeth Marie, Faith Monica Reese
Cade Preston, Grant William, Jude Hamilton
This message was edited 3/19/2006, 6:55 PM
LN: Kleinman
DH: Alessio Xavier
DW: Avalon Juliet
DS: Stellan Hugo (what great names!)
DD: Liv Cassiopeia
DS/DS: Dashiell Castor "Dash" / Joaquin Pollux (I'm so glad that you had these names on your list! I always thought it would be very cool, if I had twin boys, to give them the middle names Castor and Pollux :-) )
DD/DD: Bronte Allegra "Bron" / Ariadne Penelope "Arie"
DS: Lucian Rune
DS: Hunter Atticus
Alessio and Avalon with their children Stellan, Liv, Dash, Joaquin, Bron, Arie, Lucian and Hunter.
Great names! I may have to steal a few for my list :-)

LN: Karbach
H: Wolfram Andreas "Wolf"
W: Juniper Anouk "Juni"
S: Kester Marlowe "Kes" - 17
D: Willow Anais "Will" - 15
S/S: Lotus Miles "Lolo" / Mordecai Lennox "Molee" - 12
D/D: Maya Eileen "Maya" / Enya Morgana "Enya" - 9
S: Griffin Cole "Griff" - 6
S: Kentigern Shiloh "Tig" - 5
Wolf and Juni with Kes, Will, Lolo, Molee, Maya, Enya, Griff and Tig.

H: Wolfram Andreas "Wolf"
W: Juniper Anouk "Juni"
S: Kester Marlowe "Kes" - 17
D: Willow Anais "Will" - 15
S/S: Lotus Miles "Lolo" / Mordecai Lennox "Molee" - 12
D/D: Maya Eileen "Maya" / Enya Morgana "Enya" - 9
S: Griffin Cole "Griff" - 6
S: Kentigern Shiloh "Tig" - 5
Wolf and Juni with Kes, Will, Lolo, Molee, Maya, Enya, Griff and Tig.
LN: King
DH: Miles Landon
DW: Athena Carmen
DS: Atticus Logan
DD: Willow Noelle
DS/DS: Quinn Sebastian / Asher Camden
DD/DD: Evelyn Juliet / Avalon Jolie
DS: Maddox Kai
DS: Deacon Porter
~ Chelsea Nicole ~ Current faves are Wyatt Samuel and Piper Grace
"One Tree Hill"
Lucas: Brooke, are you decent?
Brooke: Am I dressed? Yes. Am I decent? Never have been.
DH: Miles Landon
DW: Athena Carmen
DS: Atticus Logan
DD: Willow Noelle
DS/DS: Quinn Sebastian / Asher Camden
DD/DD: Evelyn Juliet / Avalon Jolie
DS: Maddox Kai
DS: Deacon Porter
~ Chelsea Nicole ~ Current faves are Wyatt Samuel and Piper Grace
"One Tree Hill"
Lucas: Brooke, are you decent?
Brooke: Am I dressed? Yes. Am I decent? Never have been.
LN: Kendrick
DH: Keanu Quinn
DW: Danica Nathalie
DS: Miles Jowan
DD: Liv Mercedes
DS/DS: Draven Thor / Laszlo Javier
DD/DD: Annika Imani / Kirsten Valencia
DS: Priam Maddox
DS: Thierry Sage
Keanu and Danica Kendrick
-- Miles, Liv, Draven, Laszlo, Annika, Kirsten, Priam, and Thierry
·•·Eliza·•·(See PPs in profile)
All children, except one, grow up.... You always know after you are two. Two is the beginning of the end.
DH: Keanu Quinn
DW: Danica Nathalie
DS: Miles Jowan
DD: Liv Mercedes
DS/DS: Draven Thor / Laszlo Javier
DD/DD: Annika Imani / Kirsten Valencia
DS: Priam Maddox
DS: Thierry Sage
Keanu and Danica Kendrick
-- Miles, Liv, Draven, Laszlo, Annika, Kirsten, Priam, and Thierry
All children, except one, grow up.... You always know after you are two. Two is the beginning of the end.
LN: Hofer
DH: Ryan Amerigo
DW: Rosemary Carmen
DS: Joachim Barclay
DD: Lavender Quinn
DS/DS: Luca Stanislav, Dashiell Rembrandt
DD/DD: Amaryllis Winter, Anthea Lyric
DS: Marlowe Damodar
DS: Erasmus Troy
Ryan and Romy Hofer, and their children:
Joke, Lavvie, Luca, Dash, Rylla, Thea, Marlow, and Ras
Let the children lose it
Let the children use it
Let all the children boogie
DH: Ryan Amerigo
DW: Rosemary Carmen
DS: Joachim Barclay
DD: Lavender Quinn
DS/DS: Luca Stanislav, Dashiell Rembrandt
DD/DD: Amaryllis Winter, Anthea Lyric
DS: Marlowe Damodar
DS: Erasmus Troy
Ryan and Romy Hofer, and their children:
Joke, Lavvie, Luca, Dash, Rylla, Thea, Marlow, and Ras
Let the children lose it
Let the children use it
Let all the children boogie