I have grapheme color synesthesia. When a name has prominent letters, it makes the whole name that color, though many have secondary colors where there are prominent letters.
James is a very red name, for example, because both the letters J and M are red. Vowels are often not picked up for me unless they begin the word.
Nathalie is mostly pale orange but the h creates a secondary hue of navy blue, which adds to the reason that I prefer the spelling
Jasper is an interesting case because each letter has such a distinct color that it makes it the most colorful name for me. I can think of no other name that has so many colors.
How I associate each letter:
A - yellow
B - navy blue
C - light blue
D - brown
E - black or dark red
F - orange
G - deeper-than-medium red
H - blue
I - white
J - medium red
K - indigo
L - light blue
M - medium red
N - tawny
O - white
P - indigo
Q - pale blue
R - dark green
S - sage green
T - dark red
U - black
V - violet (easy to remember)
W - light blue
X - black
Y - brown
Z - black
1 - white
2 - green
3 - red
4 - blue
5 - yellow
6 - green
7 - red
8 - blue
9 - yellow
0 - white
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This message was edited 8/10/2014, 3:09 AM