For each set, choose both first names from the first set of names, and both middle names from the second set of names.
H: your choice
W: your choice
D/D: FNs:
Cassia Celia Daria Delia Fabia Julia Livia Lucia Lydia Maria Silvia Sophia / MNs: Ashland England Finland Greenland Holland Iceland
Ireland Iveland Maryland Rheinland Scotland Thailand
S/S: FNs: Brown Cambridge Carnegie
Cornell Duke Harvard Hopkins McGill Oxford Princeton
Stanford Yale / MNs:
Albrecht Arnault Batista Buffett Ellison Gates Helu Koch
Li Ortega Persson
WaltonD/S: FNs:
Ainsley Ashley Bailey Beverly Hadley Harley Kelley Lesley Presley Reilly Shelley Shirley / MNs:
Briar Brook Christmas Dell Garnet Haven Indigo Ivory Jewel Justice Ocean Pearl