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[Games] All In One Build-A-Family

Round One
You and your SO married two weeks ago. Who is s/he? How are you liking the married life? Your SO works in a high-profile job (ie-lawyer, politician, sports star, popular writer...etc). What is it? Does s/he like what s/he does? Do you have a job? If so, where do you work? Does your SO's position affect how people treat you at work? Round Two---1 1/2 years later.
You have just given birth to your first child! It's a baby girl. How was your pregnancy? What does your new daughter look like? You and your SO are thinking about adopting a child from a foreign country. How do you feel about this? Which county are you thinking of adopting from?Round Three--2 years later.
You've just welcomed another daughter into your family. Once again, how did your pregancy go? Any complications? How does your first daughter feel about having another baby in the family? In addition to the new baby, you are finishing up the paperwork to adopt a child from a foreign county. What is his/her name? How old is s/he? Are there any special accomadations you will have to make for your newest child (ie--language barrier, food, cultural, physical)?Round Four--4 years later.
How is your life going? One of your daughters is six. Is she excited about going to school? One of your daughters is four. She recently discovered that she can do something she couldn't before. What is it? How is your adopted child adjusting? Are there any lingering problems? To spice things up a little, you adopted a puppy. Where did you get it? Is it friendly? What did you name it? Round Five--1 year later.
You just gave birth to your surprise children--fraternal twins! (That's boy/girl twins). What did you name them? How do the various members of your family feel about them? Have you undergone any major life changes (ie--a move, a job change, a major family disaster, a disease...)? Also, you have found out through the adoption agency that your adopted child has an older sister who is looking to be adopted. Will you adopt her? How old is she? What is her name?Round Six--3 years later.
How is your family? Are you and your SO still together? If not, what happened to break you apart? Your two biological daughters are doing well. They have both found an activity that they are good at. What is it? Your puppy is about 5 years old. S/he seemed lonely, so you bought another pet to be a companion. What was that pet? Is it a good companion or not? If you chose to adopt the older sister of your already adopted child, then...You have found out that she is a genius in one particular aspect. What is that? How is she handling it? Does it make her feel uncomfortable? Are you doing anything special to expand her knowledge?Round Seven--Recap.
It has been twenty years. How is your family doing? Did they all go to college? Get married? Land good jobs? Do you have any grandchildren? What do you think about the life you have led?Sorry it isn't grand, but its all I could muster up.
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All In One Build-A-Family  ·  estel  ·  2/7/2006, 5:51 PM
Re: All In One Build-A-Family  ·  youngmum_14  ·  2/13/2006, 10:53 AM
Re: All In One Build-A-Family  ·  Melissa  ·  2/8/2006, 12:50 PM
Mine.  ·  estel  ·  2/7/2006, 6:19 PM
Re: Mine.  ·  estel  ·  2/7/2006, 6:36 PM