[Facts] Re: Tehlila should be spelled Tehilah, should it not?
"Is it just that being a transliteration from Hebr. some people have the h in there and some do not?"It is exactly that.Here's an example.My name is Ilana, which is a Hebrew name. In Hebrew it is spelled אילנה.
Note the letter on the furthest left (Hebrew is read left to right). It's the "h" in Hebrew. But my name isn't spelled "Ilanah," it's "Ilana." But one isn't more correcct than the other, because the "h" is silent.
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Tehlila should be spelled Tehilah, should it not?  ·  abbasdaughter  ·  10/22/2011, 6:38 AM
Re: Tehlila should be spelled Tehilah, should it not?  ·  egyptianpanda  ·  10/22/2011, 7:49 AM
Re: Tehlila should be spelled Tehilah, should it not?  ·  abbasdaughter  ·  10/23/2011, 3:05 AM
Re: Tehlila should be spelled Tehilah, should it not?  ·  SugarPlumFairy  ·  10/23/2011, 1:12 PM
Re: Tehlila should be spelled Tehilah, should it not?  ·  egyptianpanda  ·  10/23/2011, 7:28 AM