[Games] Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans) Finally Finished!
I decided to tweak the occupation one and use a 10 sided die instead. Here's how I tweaked it: If I rolled a 9 I got teacher, and 10 would be free choice.LN: Prewett W: Aurora Maeve née Fitzgerald
Blood Status: Half Blood
Looks: Curly, Dark brown hair. Light brown, honey eyes.
Occupation: Healer at St. MungosSchool History:
House: Gryffindor
Favorite Subjects: Herbology
Quidditch: No, Prefect: YesH: Bran Hercules
Blood Status: Pureblood
Looks: Red curly hair, green eyes
Occupation: Shop Owner in Hogsmeade called Gladrags WizardwearSchool History:
House: Gryffindor
Favorite Subjects: Astronomy, Charms
Quidditch: Yes, Seeker, became Captain, Head Boy: YesD/D/D: Emily Minvera / Freya Victoria / Honora Brighid Looks: Curly red hair, green eyes. (These are identical triplets, so they have the same looks) Emily: Ravenclaw
Favorite Subjects: Defense Against the Dark Arts, Arithmancy
Quidditch: Chaser, Quidditch Captain
After Hogwarts: Became a professional Quidditch player Freya: Ravenclaw
Favorite Subjects: Herbology, Charms
Quidditch: No, Prefect: Yes
After Hogwarts: Healer at St. MungosHonora: Syltherin
Favorite Subjects: Astronomy, Charms
Qudditch, No, Head Girl: Yes
After Hogwarts: Moved to Germany to teach charms at Durmstrang. S/D: Evander Owain / Rhiannon OpheliaEvander: Ravenclaw
Looks: Dirty blonde, curly hair. Green eyes
Favorite Subjects: Astronomy, History of Magic
Qudditch: No
After Hogwarts: Ministry of Magic - Department of Magical TransportationRhiannon: Gryffindor
Looks: Brown wavy hair, hazel eyes.
Favorite Subject: Charms, Herbology
Quidditch: No, Prefect: Yes
After Hogwarts: Writer of historical fiction and many other things (including textbooks).S: Silvius Alexander Looks: dirty blonde, curly hair, hazel eyes.
House: Ravenclaw
Favorite subject: History of Magic, Astronomy
Quidditch: Yes, but not captain. Position: Seeker
Prefect: Yes
After Hogwarts: Professional Quidditch Player (Seeker) D: Phoebe Lavinia Looks: Light brown/honey hair, curly, light brown honey eyes
House: Gryffindor
Favorite subject: Astronomy
Quidditch: No
After Hogwarts: Becomes an astronomy teacher at Hogwarts.-----------
Both Bran and Aurora were the same age when they entered Hogwarts and both were sorted into Gryffindor. Bran wasn't the least surprised by the choice since his family had a long history of being in Gryffindor. However, Aurora had no clue which house would be chosen for her. Her father had been a wizard who abandoned his muggle girlfriend when she told him she was pregnant. Her mother's surname was used on the birth certificate, and she never met her father but learned he had been in Syltherian. She hoped very much she wouldn't be sorted into that house and was relieved when she was not.Aurora soon found she fit in well with her Gryffindor housemates and made friends with the other girls. She was bright and studied hard and was very excited to be made prefect on her 5th year. It did not take long for her to develop a crush on the handsome, red curly haired Bran who was a star Quidditch player as chaser. However, she wasn't the only girl who wanted to go out with him, and she didn't think a mere half-blood girl like herself could possibly stand a chance.Bran came from a pureblood wizarding family, the Prewetts (he is distantly related to Molly Weasley as her surname was Prewett before marrying). An only child, he was doted on and a bit spoiled, but had a good sense of humor about himself, and was generally friendly and charming to everyone. However, due to his hours of Quidditch practice, his grades began to slip. Minerva McGonagall asked Aurora if she wouldn't mind tutoring Bran in herbology which was her best subject and Bran's weakest. Aurora agreed and from those lessons, a romance began to blossom.Bran became smitten with Aurora and soon the two were inseparable around Hogwarts. However, Aurora lost a couple of jealous friends over her catch which upset her greatly. "I've learned who my true friends are," she told a remaining one. Bran's grades improved considerably, enough so that he was selected as Head Boy even though he wasn't a prefect. Of course being the chaser and captain of the Gryffindor team that won the cup that year, probably helped.Aurora was very disappointed that she wasn't chosen as Head Girl despite a prefect, but the two of them ended their schooling at Hogwarts very happily over all. Although their parents told them they were too young to marry, at 18 they went ahead anyway. Aurora's love of herbology made her ideally suited for the healer career and began her apprenticeship at St. Mungos. Bran's future looked especially bright as a professional Quidditch player. Everything seemed to be going perfectly for the young couple, but, as often happens in life they were thrown a bludger ball when it was least expected.Aurora found out she was pregnant. Not only pregant but pregnant with multiples. Triplets.The news was very shocking and frightening to the young parents, both of whom had only recently turned 19 when they got the news. Instead of becoming a professional Quidditch player which would keep him away from long periods of time from his family, Bran made the hardest decision he ever had to make and gave up his dream for a more stable position that would allow him to spend ample time helping Aurora with the babies. He took over store ownership of Gladrags Wizardwear from his great-uncle who was wanting to retire. The family also inherited his modest Hogsmeade home. Eight months later their identical triplet daughters were born. The first they named Emily Minerva. Emily was to honor Aurora's mother who was stabilizing and helpful figure in their lives and Minerva was in honor of their favorite teacher whom they credit for getting them together. Freya's name was chosen simply because they liked it, and Victoria was in honor of Bran's grandmother. Honora was name was similarly chosen as Freya's though her middle name, Brighid, was more of a tribute to Aurora's proud Irish heritage rather than after any specific person.The girls would fill their lives with both joy and heart break. They took after their father, sharing his red curly hair and green eyes. As soon as they were old enough to practice riding on a broom, their father began to teach them Quidditch. Emily and Honora took to the sport and were highly competitive with each other. Freya's laid back personality meant she enjoyed the game but not as much as her sisters, for she simply didn't have a competitive streak.Both Emily and Honora were extremely strong willed and stubborn, and Freya often had to mediate disputes between them. Unlike Emily though, Honora in particular had a mean, nasty streak about her, and could say hurtful words that cut to the core. Emily was too proud to cry in front of her, but Freya would sometimes break down in tears. Honora, however, was fond of Freya and would usually apologize to her afterward. Deep down she loved her sister Emily too, but they were too alike in their competitive one-upmanship. Other than living and breathing Quidditch however, Bran also had a love and fascination for astronomy, and of the triplets, Honora took to it the most. Other than Quidditch, it was the other thing that bonded them closely together. Prior to Hogwarts, Emily and Honora were particularly close to their father, but Freya was particularly close to their mother as she not only had her temperment, but shared her interest in herbology.When the girls were sent off to Hogwarts, the parents were very disappointed that none of them were sorted into Gryffindor. However, Ravenclaw was known for often selecting the brightest students, and so they still took pride in Emily's and Freya's placement into Ravenclaw. However, they were horrified and upset when Honora was placed in Slytherin. Everyone knows the rivalry is particularly fierce between Gryffindor and Slytherin, and Slytherin has a bad reputation as being a place where so many dark wizards have originated. As a result her parents had a deeply ingrained dislike for Honora's house, and Aurora in particular because the wizard father that abandoned her had also been in the House. This would begin Honora's alienation from her family.Bran burst with pride when Emily made the Ravenclaw Quidditch team as Chaser. She tried to persuade her sister Freya to try out, but she steadfastly refused. "You know, I enjoy playing the game for fun, but I don't really care who wins or loses in the end. I'm just not into it as much as you. It wouldn't be fair to take the spot that someone else would want more, and there's others more talented than me I'm sure." Honora however tried out for the Slytherin team twice and both times failed. She bitterly resented her rejection and told Emily that "Ravenclaw must have lower standards." Freya would much of her time at Hogwarts trying to mend bridges between Emily and Honora, but her efforts were futile in the end. The worst part for Honora was how glowing with pride her beloved father was with Emily and her achievements. He lived vicariously through her, coming to every Quidditch game he could. Honora studied hard, earning high marks in all her classes and made Head Girl in her 7th year, but much to her resentment, she felt as though all those achievements were overshadowed by her talented Quidditch playing sister.Emily became captain, and although Ravenclaw didn't take the cup, they had a very good year. She went on after Hogwarts to become the professional Quidditch player her father always dreamed of being. Freya on the the other hand followed in her mother's footsteps to began training at St. Mungos. Honora moved to Germany to get far away from her family, and acquired a teaching position at Durmstrang where she taught a class on charms. She fit in considerably better at a place like Durmstrang and fell in love with her adopted country. Although at the moment she's not on speaking terms with her sister Emily or father, but still occasionally visits with her mother and other siblings. Of her family, Freya remains by far her closest friend and family member. Had it not been for Freya, Honora likely would have severed ties altogether.Aurora and Bran never thought they would have more children. Raising triplets at the age of 19 was such an unbelievably difficult hardship for the inexperienced parents. However when the girls turned 11 and went off to attend Hogwarts, they found themselves suffering from a bit of empty next syndrome. With the girls away at school, their house seemed so lonely. The couple had just turned 30 years old, and after long conversations decided to have another child."Hopefully it won't be another set of triplets though!" Bran chuckled, and Aurora frowned, bopping him on the head."Don't say that, Bran. You'll tempt fate.""Oh, Aurora, you worry too much."Later when Aurora got confirmation that she was expecting twins, she said "I told you so!""Hey, twins aren't triplets. Compared to triplets twins will be a breeze."Aurora sighed. "You Prewetts can't do anything the normal way, can you?"Bran just laughed and shrugged.Evander Owain Prewett was born first followed by Rhiannon Ophelia Prewett. Owain was selected in honor of Bran's grandfather while the other names were chosen simply beause they liked them. Instead of red hair, Evander inherited a shade of dirty blond which has been found in some of Aurora's extended family. The boy inherited his father's green eyes though, and he shared his father's love of astronomy. Like with the triplets, Bran tried to get them interested in Quidditch, however the twins were too bookish to really take to the sport. Both the twins were happy easy going children and compared to the drama and fighting that their triplets often got into, their parents breathed a sigh of relief. Aurora was especially excited when Rhiannon took after her with brown colored hair, although unlike everyone else in her family, her hair was more wavy than curly. Her eyes weren't a perfect match though; they were more of a hazel color which almost seemed to mix the colors of both her parents' eyes with flecks of green and honey brown. Aurora doted on Rhiannon especially and shared her love of herbology with her as she had her sister Freya.The triplets were thrilled when their younger brothers and sisters were born and doted on them immensely. However, Honora's later estrangement from her family along the large age gap meant she would only interact sporadically with her younger brothers and sisters after she graduated from Hogwarts. Emily was often so busy with Quidditch even during the summer when she was home, she didn't get to spend much time with them, so chocked full or activities she was plus a busy social calendar she had. Freya on the other hand was more of a homebody, and and she became particularly close to the twins and other younger siblings and in some ways was a second mother to them. Considering how much both Evander and Rhiannon read, their parents were certain they would be sorted into Ravenclaw just like Emily and Freya had been. While they were proven correct for Evander, much to Bran and Aurora's delight, the Sorting Hat placed Rhiannon into Gryffindor. The twins were very close and were upset to be placed in separate Houses, but soon they adjusted and made their own friends within them. Rhiannon loved to read fictional stories while Evander tended to prefer nonfiction. Even at a very small age, she would create stories and imaginary worlds. Her parents encouraged her to pursue writing as a career, and she did so having a natural flair for it. When she had an idea for a fiction story in a medieval setting, she turned to her brothers, Evander and Silvius, for help. Both of them had a particular love for history and helped her on the research part for her story. It sold and was published very well even in the Muggle press although when doing Muggle interviews, she was very careful to not let her magical nature be known. For publishing purposes she went by the pseudonym Ophelia Fitzgerald. Had Evander been in any other House he would have been a top ranked student academically and almost certainly a prefect, but among his very sharp peers in Ravenclaw, he was average. Although a bit sad to see Rhiannon become a prefect, which really made their mother and sister Freya proud as they had been prefects too, he didn't let it trouble him too much. Instead he enjoyed his time at Hogwarts learning and making friends. After Hogwarts, he found a position for himself in the Ministry of Magic working in the Department of Magical Transportation.In part because Evander and Rhiannon were such easy going and delightful children (especially in comparsion to the higher maintance triplets), and also in part because Aurora and Bran truly felt more comfortable in their parenting role, three years later at 33 they welcomed another addition into the family. A boy named Silvius Alexander Prewett, names that came from both sides of Aurora's and Bran's family.Silvius was a particularly fussy and very rambanctuious young child especially compared to the quiet twins who would happily read for hours in their room. He had the same dirty blond hair as his older brother, but his eyes were the same hazel color as his sister Rhiannon's were. He immediately took to Quidditch which delighted his father, and he postively idolized his big sister Emily who was a skilled player herself. Silvius was determined to follow in their footsteps, and like Emily he was sorted in Ravenclaw and joined the Quidditch team there. He never became captain like Emily, but his position was Chaser, just like his father had been, and he helped secure a thrilling victory for Ravenclaw which allowed them to win the house cup for the first time in years. When he graduated, he joined the same team Emily was in and became a professional Quidditch player as well.In addition to Quidditch, Silvius shared the same interests as his father and others in astronomy, and like his brother Evander, had a love of history. As both brothers were in the same House and just three years apart, the two of them were close even though Evander wasn't a Quidditch fanatic like his younger brother. Smart as a whip, he was also successful in becoming a prefect which depressed Evander a bit since he didn't have Quidditch practice to contend with his studying, but he soon got over his disappointment and was able to be happy for his brother.Overall Aurora and Bran were happy with their family and believed it to complete. However, ten years later when both of them turned 43 they were absolutely flabbergasted to find out that Aurora wasn't going through menopause after all. Instead, she was going to have another baby (for which they were VERY thankful was a singleton).Phoebe Lavinia Prewett was born and soon the parents despite trepidation with beginning parenting again at their age, loved their surprise little girl. They treated her more like granddaughter in some ways, perhaps because, much to their annoyance, their older children had yet to provide them with any so far. Also because of the 10 year age difference between her and the second youngest child, Silvius, Phoebe's childhood was more like one of an only child instead.Her hair—curly of course—was an interesting light brown shade which no one else in the family had. Her eyes, however, were the same honey color that Aurora had. Her father didn't have the stamina to play Quidditch with her as he had her older siblings, but he introduced her to her love of astronomy as well, something which Phoebe immediately latched onto. More than anyone in her family, she became fixated on studying the stars and their constellations, and that was by far her favorite class at Hogwarts. So much so, that some of her other studies suffered. She was considered a bit eccentric by her Gryffindor classmates, but she had a few close friends during her schooling, and her parents were thrilled to bits to have had a second child sorted into their beloved former house. After Hogwarts, her passion for science and astronomy remained unabated. She managed to finagle it so she could enroll in a Muggle school of higher learning in order to take proper science classes and have a chance to use one of those huge telescopes that could see distant galaxies. Eventually however she decided to return to Hogwarts, and implement a better science and mathematical courses into the Hogswart curriculum. She gave this speech to the Hogwarts committee before they approved her program and hired her:"Young witches and wizards shouldn't shun the Muggle science; they should embrace it. There is a whole world here full of wonders and mysteries for us to unravel. Beyond the earth, there are mysteries of the universe to be explored. The future lies in the stars, and the future should belong to magical people and Muggles alike. Yet if we don't implement proper teachings of science and mathematics along with magic, our children will fall behind the Muggle children. Some of you may be content to sit back and reap of the benefits of the Muggles' hard work in unraveling the universe's mysteries, but I am not. If we combine science and explore it along with magic, we'll be capable of forging a better future everyone."History would put Phoebe down as the founder of a new branch of science that combined magic and scientific principals. Of all the Prewett children, she would leave the most indelible mark behind.

This message was edited 8/23/2011, 11:17 AM

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Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans)  ·  Ashton  ·  8/17/2011, 3:22 PM
finished!  ·  E.Tracy  ·  8/21/2011, 12:39 PM
Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans)  ·  Gracie  ·  8/19/2011, 5:59 PM
Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans)  ·  JN316  ·  8/18/2011, 2:55 PM
Great idea!  ·  glassmidnight  ·  8/18/2011, 2:54 PM
Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans) WFL  ·  Edith Therese  ·  8/18/2011, 12:51 PM
Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans)  ·  Tara  ·  8/18/2011, 12:37 PM
Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans)  ·  Emily  ·  8/18/2011, 11:56 AM
Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans) Finally Finished!  ·  Starshelle  ·  8/18/2011, 10:39 AM
Suggestion  ·  Starshelle  ·  8/18/2011, 10:40 AM
Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans)  ·  Ariel  ·  8/18/2011, 10:35 AM
A lot of writers here :D  ·  Ursa  ·  8/18/2011, 10:06 AM
Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans)  ·  Anthroponomastics  ·  8/18/2011, 8:39 AM
Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans)  ·  noiseless  ·  8/18/2011, 7:34 AM
Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans)  ·  Serel Channah  ·  8/18/2011, 5:11 AM
Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans)  ·  Kelsey.Lee  ·  8/18/2011, 3:51 AM
Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans)  ·  Ninor  ·  8/18/2011, 3:11 AM
Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans) WFL  ·  SamJr  ·  8/18/2011, 2:26 AM
Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans)  ·  insane romantic  ·  8/18/2011, 1:47 AM
Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans) - done!  ·  La Reina  ·  8/18/2011, 1:18 AM
Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans)  ·  safety pin  ·  8/17/2011, 11:58 PM
Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans)  ·  starrie  ·  8/17/2011, 10:49 PM
Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans)  ·  molly  ·  8/17/2011, 8:43 PM
Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans)  ·  Ashton  ·  8/18/2011, 12:44 AM
Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans)  ·  Catalina nsi  ·  8/17/2011, 8:23 PM
Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans) - Finished!  ·  AnnaMarie  ·  8/17/2011, 7:41 PM
Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans)  ·  Ranchie  ·  8/17/2011, 7:37 PM
WFL  ·  Viatrix  ·  8/17/2011, 6:26 PM
Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans)  ·  Wandering Moon  ·  8/17/2011, 5:21 PM
Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans)  ·  jessica_p  ·  8/17/2011, 5:12 PM
Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans)  ·  Amara L.  ·  8/17/2011, 4:50 PM
Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans)  ·  Renata  ·  8/17/2011, 4:29 PM
Re: Wizarding Family CAF! (For Harry Potter Fans)  ·  Ashton  ·  8/17/2011, 3:23 PM