Katarina Magdalene Annabella Amity Helena "HM
Queen Katarina" nn "Bold
Queen Kat" (32)
Arthur Lucian Christopher Daniel Gareth "HM
Royal Consort
Arthur" nn "Consort Songbird" (32)
Mirabelle Helen Aurora Anna Rose "HM
Princess Mirabelle" (12)
Gloriana Maeve Lucia Sarah Grace "HM
Princess Gloriana" (10)
Jocelyn Penelope Faith Marianna Catherine "HM
Princess Jocelyn" "
Joss" (8)
Gabriel Nicholas Conall Xavier Jude "HM
Prince Gabriel" /
Seraphina Margaret Brighid Alexandra Hope "HM
Princess Seraphina" (7)
Theodore James Magnus Robert Fionn "HM
Prince Theodore" (3)
Elisabetta Carina Matilda Norah Faith (nb)
From the most noble house of Tayel,
In the mighty kingdom of Kriana.
It has been a very eventful three years for the royal family of Kriana.
Queen Kat's sister,
Susanna, after spending the years since coming of age as a diplomat in the court of her sister, finally met the man of her dreams and married. The two were instrumental in the peace talks with Haarlsgard. They now have a two-year-old son.
Katarina's brother, has made himself famous, writing songs no one can stop humming. He is still a bachelor, which surprises no one.
Carolina, and
Felicia, Arthurs siblings, are also now married.
Nicholas is content being a professional nobleman, sitting in a court and being rich, while
Carolina has become a well-known artist and
Felicia serves with
Susanna as a diplomat.
Mirabelle, on the verge of her teens, has blossomed into a beautiful young girl, with a sharp mind and bright blue eyes that wreak havok on the hearts of twelve-year-old boys around her.
Gloriana has thrown herself into her studies and has shown a vibrant wit. She is considered the scholar of the siblings.
Joss stands out in the family--a red-head with apple-green eyes in a family of brunettes with blue or grey eyes--but no one ever notices. She is sweet and pretty and very athletic, an especially gifted horseback rider.
Gabriel has gained the strength and health the doctors dispaired of at his birth. He is not as tall as his twin, but he is active and spends a lot of time outdoors.
Seraphina, the younger twin, is shockingly tall for a girl of seven. She is also quite active, and she and
Gabriel manage to get into a lot of trouble together. They and
Joss are quite close.
Theodore is a bubbly and sunny toddler, and he loves to chatter and give kisses and hugs.
Kat and
Arthur couldn't be prouder of their brood of children, btu felt that it wasn't quite complete. So they decided to have one more child. They were pregnant quite soon, and no one could contain their happiness. Then, in
Kat's eighth month, her father
Robert suffered a stroke. He survived, but his left arm was paralyzed. When the baby was born, they wanted her name to reflect something
Kat's fater loved. So they named her after his mother,
Elisabetta. The name fits her, as the original
Elisabetta was a celebrated beauty, and everyone can see that little
Elisabetta will be breathtaking. Everyone dotes on this baby of the family, especially the grandfather who cannot hold her.
After this family tragedy a public one occured. Haarlsgardish pirates attacked a Krianan merchant ship.
King Magnus refused to do anything about it, and once again relations are beginning to strain.