Ok, the rules are pretty simple, I'll be providing two or more options, and you follow the "adventure" that suits you best. Each "adventure" will have it's own set of naming rules for that round. Stories are optional, but always enjoyed and encouraged :) Ages are optional, and you keep track of them yourself. I will not be killing off any family members in this game, but you may chose to do so yourself. Surnames and maiden names are not provided for in the prompts, but should be used in case they are referenced in future rounds. I'll provide links to each previous round, so you can quickly find your family.
Note: Just because your chose Adventure # in one round doesn't mean that you are stuck with that # for every other round. Each round you can chose your own adventure (hence, the name).
http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3913184&board=gameRound 1:
http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3913389&board=gameRound 2:
http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3913723&board=gameRound 3:
http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3914171&board=gameRound 4:
http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3914407&board=gameRound 5:
http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3914830&board=gameRound 6:
http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3915193&board=game (Spouse 1 of 5)
Round 7:
http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3915626&board=game (grandchildren)
Round 8:
http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3916264&board=game (Spouse 2 of 5)
Round 9:
http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3916543&board=game (grandchildren)
Round 10:
http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3917282&board=game (grandchildren)
Round 11:
http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3917770&board=game (Spouse 3 of 5)
DC = Darling Child, or a first generation child. All other children are second generation.
If you wish, you may have a couple divorce in any round. If they divorce in round 7, they can remarry in the next spouse round.
Unlike most "grandchildren" rounds, this time each adventure may only be used by ONE DC, and each DC may only use ONE adventure. If DC#1 choses adventure #1, they may not also chose adventure#2 or adventure#3. If DC#1 choses adventure#1, then none of the other DC can use adventure#1.
If you are keeping track of ages, please advance your current family's ages by one year before adding new children (and even if you are not adding any new children).
Adventure 1:
Your DC is thrilled to be welcoming a beautiful new daughter into their family. She was born 2 months early, and is a petite and fragile looking thing. However, she is strong and loud and very healthy. While she is having to spend some extra time at the hospital, it is mostly routine and she appears to have no side effects of the short pregnancy/early birth.
DD: (nb) Her FN is a feminine version of a masculine name (think Charlotte for Charles or Alexandra for Alexander, etc.) and her MN is a virtue-type word-name.
Adventure 2:
Your DC is very happy to finally welcome their son into the family. He was very content in the womb-without-a-view, and waited an extra two-weeks before the doctors finally induced to get him out of there! He was a big baby (over 10 pounds), but a very quiet and content baby. In fact, he almost never cried or fussed. This had the nurses worried a little bit, but he was just a healthy, content baby.
DS: (nb) His FN is a masculine name that many people feel is "too feminine" for todays children (think Aubrey, Laurence, or Sparrow), and his MN is a type of animal (real or mythical) word-name.
Adventure 3:
Your DC and their Spouse charged their doctor with not telling them anything about the babies in the womb unless it was a matter of health and something could be done about it. As a result, they were very surprised to welcome twins into the family. As a result of the unexpected double in babies, they took the full amount of time before they left the hospital to decide on names for the two.
DS/DD: (nb) Their FNs are two names that are from a famous person/duo (ex. Jesse/Jessie James or Romeo & Juliet). Their MNs honor the wife's maiden name (either DC or DC's spouse) and the grandma's maiden name (DC's mother).
Adventure 4:
As usual, your DC is very open and welcoming to adopting children and bringing them into the family. However, it is unusual that s/he had the chance to adopt a newborn. Because the social worker knew the family from previous adoptions, they asked if your DC would be willing to foster a newborn baby while the paperwork was finished. If they would do so, they would then be able to adopt the child as the child's mother died at birth and there were no other living relatives or close friends.
A?: (nb) (Gender is your choice). His/her FN begins with a "O", "Q", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", or "Z". His/her MN has one of the remaining letters somewhere in the name (ex. If his FN is
Zander, then
Zane wouldn't work as a MN, but Za
yn would - Both FN/MN do NOT need to start with the same letter).