[Games] Please help
in reply to a message by Nyx
I am running a little short of inspiration for future rounds
What naming rules do you like best for grandchildren?
What naming rules do you like best for spouses?
What naming rules do you like best for grandchildren?
What naming rules do you like best for spouses?
I like unisex names. Also names that aren't names (colors, foods, music, animals, places, geographic features, language-specific ones as well).
You're doing an awesome job, by the way.
You're doing an awesome job, by the way.
What naming rules do you like best for grandchildren?
I like the ones where you have to honor the grandparents or the parents. Also what about Unisex, Creative spellings, Surnames, Names from songs, Literature names, or Uncommon word names?
What naming rules do you like best for spouses?
What about having to use the random name generator or something like that? Or maybe names of famous people, names from movies, or names from certain countries?
Hope that helps! Thanks for hosting it is a lot of fun! :)
I like the ones where you have to honor the grandparents or the parents. Also what about Unisex, Creative spellings, Surnames, Names from songs, Literature names, or Uncommon word names?
What naming rules do you like best for spouses?
What about having to use the random name generator or something like that? Or maybe names of famous people, names from movies, or names from certain countries?
Hope that helps! Thanks for hosting it is a lot of fun! :)
What naming rules do you like best for grandchildren? Virtue, unusual, intials
What naming rules do you like best for spouses? Masculine/Feminine
Anything really, maybe have a round where you can name them whatever.
What naming rules do you like best for spouses? Masculine/Feminine
Anything really, maybe have a round where you can name them whatever.