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[Opinions] Twin Crazy
twin crazy adjective
- when a person who is expecting twins is obsessed with twins and feels the need to match anything that has to do with twins, including names.
___________________________________________________________________________________________________We have all seen them, the names for twins that make us cringe or want to cry. Well, now it's your turn. You are twin crazy. Make a list of matching names for twins that you think are bad but not as bad as others. Basically a list of the best of the worst but don't be subtle. Twin crazy people are not subtle.
I'll post my list in a separate post.
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Charles and Caroline
Holly and Ivy (I used to want to have twins with these names when I was younger!)
Felix and Felicity
Daphne and Penelope (ok, these are too matchy, but I think they're a little much for twins)
Lucy and Linus (My sister loves the name Linus and would love to name a son this, but she won't because her name is Lucy.)
Rose and Daisy
Grace and Felicity
Jonah and Johan
Bonnie and Clyde (Well, they are both cute names!)
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Fred and George (Harry Potter)
Mario and Luigi (Video game)
Carl and Carlos
Michael and Jackson
Bert and Ernie (Seseme Street)
Zachariah and Zechariah
Jacob and Esau (Biblical)
Benji and Joel (Musicians)
Gunnar and Hunter
Romulus and Remus (Mythology)
Jim and Tim (Kim, Mim, Pim)
Nicholas and Alexander (Full House TV)
Ronald and Donald
Coby and Colby
Barry and Harry (Jerry, Carey, Gary, Larry, Perry, Terry, Carrie, Mary, Terri) B/G
Harry and Ginerva (Ginny) (Harry Potter)
Ronald and Hermione (Harry Potter)
George and Georgia
Brandy and Randy (Andy, Candy, Mandy, Sandy)

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This message was edited 6/18/2010, 12:55 PM

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Abby & Addie
Elizabeth & Eleanor
Brin & Beth
Bliss & Blythe
Aurora & Dawn
Eden & Eve
Faith & Joy
Faith & Grace
Joy & Grace
Charity & Trinity
Rose & Lily
Lily & Leah
Susan & Lily
Susan & Rose
Victory & Glory
Joy & Jacinda
Keren & Keziah
Lucy & Leah
Lucy & Lydia
Rebecca & Rachel
Rebecca & Ruth
Rebecca & Rhoda
Rachel & Rhoda
Rachel & Ruth
Rhoda & Ruth
Rose & Rhoda
Rose & Rebecca
Rose & Rachel
Rose & Ruth
Susan & Selah
Tabitha & Trinity
Teodora & Trinity
Tabitha & Teodora
Pearl & PatienceBrin & Bram
Brin & Beth
Ebenezer & Elizabeth
Emmanuel & Elizabeth
Elijah & Elizabeth
Andrew & Evangeline
Victory & Glory
Hannah & Hezekiah
Judah & Joy
Jeremiah & Joy
Josiah & Joy
Japheth & Joy
John & Joy
James & Joy
Levi & Leah
Malachi & Mary
Malachi & Mariah
Malachi & Marie
Malachi & Mara
Malachi & Martha
Mark & Mary
Mark & Martha
Mark & Marie
Mark & Mara
Nehemiah & Natalia
Elizabeth & Mephibosheth
Susan & Shem
Susan & Simon
Susan & Silas
Selah & Silas
Selah & Shem
Ezra & Eva
Ezra & Eden
Ezra & ElizabethJohn & George
George & Gideon
Victory & Glory
Benjamin & Brigham
Abraham & Brigham
Hezekiah & Isaiah
Hezekiah & Josiah
Hezekiah & Jeremiah
Hezekiah & Nehemiah
Hezekiah & Obadiah
Isaiah & Josiah
Isaiah & Jeremiah
Isaiah & Nehemiah
Isaiah & Obadiah
Josiah & Judah
Josiah & Jeremiah
Josiah & Nehemiah
Josiah & Obadiah
Jeremiah & Judah
Jeremiah & Nehemiah
Jeremiah & Obadiah
Nehemiah & Obadiah
John & James
John & Judah
John & Japheth
John & Josiah
John & Jeremiah
James & Judah
James & Japheth
James & Josiah
James & Jeremiah
Japheth & Judah
Japheth & Josiah
Japheth & Jeremiah
George & James
George & Judah
George & Japheth
George & Josiah
George & Jeremiah
Levi & Locke
Malachi & Mark
Mark & Mephibosheth
Mark & Methuselah
Mephibosheth & Methuselah
Nehemiah & Noah
Silas & Shem
Silas & Simon
Simon & Shem
Shem & Seth
Seth & Silas
Adam & Abraham
Adam & Amos
Adam & Alfred
Adam & Andrew
Adam & Asa
Abraham & Amos
Abraham & Alfred
Abraham & Andrew
Abraham & Asa
Alfred & Andrew
Alfred & Asa
Andrew & Asa
Amos & Asa
Ezra & Asa
Ezra & Ezekiel
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Bobby and Jack
Madonna and Veronica
Paris and Tristan
Helen and Isolde (see a trend?)
Alexandre and Mercedes
Juliet and Edmond
Seraphina and Gabriel
Asherah and Ishmael
Dylan and Marina
Stella and Orion

This message was edited 6/17/2010, 1:06 PM

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So obviously I'm terrible at this, but here is my best shot.Victoria and Nike
Pearl and Margaret
Veronica and Berenice
Lily and Susannah
Raven and Nevermore
Cynthia and Artemis
Daphne and Apollo (creepy)
Eleanor and Rosamund
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I love Raven and Nevermore, that is grrreat.
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Raven and Nevermore....
here's a confession, my dark secret (name-wise): I do have a soft spot for the combo Corvina Lenore... more of a GP, though, but still... *blush*;-)
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Corvina Lenore is awesome! I'm a bit jealous that I didn't think of it first.Actually, if we're dealing with confessions, I already have a sibset using Raven and Nevermore picked out. Alice Victoria Raven and Blanche Odelia Nevermore. Kind of lame how they're stuck in the second middle name position though.

This message was edited 6/18/2010, 10:49 AM

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Awww, thanks! :-)Confession, part II: I once came up with the sibset/boy-girl twin names Corvina Lenore and Edgar Thaddeus or Thaddeus Edgar (Thaddeus is supposed to mean "heart", as in "The Tell-Tale Heart")...And YAY! Finally someone else who likes Odelia!
Actually, I rather like Alice Victoria Raven and Blanche Odelia Nevermore. Wow, the first time I like Blanche :-)
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Corvina Lenore and Edgar Thaddeus are a great sibset! Sometimes it makes me a little sad seeing all of these great sibsets that will probably never be used in real life. They should be used in a novel at least.Thank you! Odelia is definitely a name you don't see enough of. I'm glad I was able to inspire some like of Blanche in you! It's really not a bad name. I suppose you could say that I think of it as an interesting filler name, like Mary or Anne (when in the first name position). Like you wouldn't think much of it alone, but when you see it next to other, more interesting names it comes alive.
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April/May/June and August
Evelyn and Elinor
Cyrus and Cyril
Melinda and Miranda
Natalie and Nathanael
Domingo and Domenica
Jesus and Angel (I actually know siblings with these names)
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Maya and Angie Lou!I had to make that the headline I was so thrilled about it lol! G/G:
Maya and Angie Lou (ha!)
Moon and River
Maddison and Diamonds (I remembered this one from a few weeks back; its horrible but it stuck!) G/B
Sherry and Barry
Della and Ware
Louisa Mae and Alcott
Ava and Gardner B/B
Nolan and Ryan
Julius and Caesar
Johnny and Cash
Benjamin and Franklin
Thomas and Eddison
Cornell and Llenroc (you could get away with Llenroc, right?)
Jim and Henson
Walker and Texas Ranger (lmao)

This message was edited 6/17/2010, 10:59 AM

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Rowan and Rohan (b/b)
Ebony and Ivory (g/g)
Ray and Steve (after Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder)
Chuck and Tex (after Chuck Jones and Tex Avery)
Beatrix and Bellatrix
Fritz and Freleng (after Fritz Freleng)
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Bella & Edward (how could I not?)
Romeo & Juliet
Tristan & Isolde
Arthur & GuinevereLori & Cori
Molly & Polly
Ivy & Holly
Hope & Faith
Prudence & Chastity
Owen & Rowan
Lily & Rose (this one makes me want to BARF. Why do people do this in real life?)
Diamond & Pearl
Violet & Indigo
True & Blue
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Diamond and Pearl are great for a Pokemaniac since both are games.
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Kira and Lyra
Sam and Eric, the twins from lord of the flies
Sakura and Sayuri
Kayla and Keira, the english and Japanese katakana forms
Mario and Dario, Indy 500 winner names that rhyme
Dale and Richard, NASCAR's only 7 time champions
William, nn Bill and Warren, The wealthiest Americans
For rednecks, James nn Jimmie and John
Charles and Darwin
Davy and Jones
That's all I can think of.

This message was edited 6/17/2010, 9:08 AM

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here's a startg/g
Aria & Symphony
River & Brooke
Clementine & Appleb/b
Phoenix & Griffin
Todd & Conan?b/g
Jasper & Ruby
Noel & Natalie
Basil & Rosemary
Meade & Brandy

This message was edited 6/17/2010, 8:35 AM

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Ah, Meade and Brandy!Just wondering - would Jack and Daniel and John and Walker be too subtle?
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How aboutCaptain and Morgan ;)
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LOL! :DOk, now I really feel like looking for more brand names that could "work" on twins ;-)
How about Hennes and Mauritz (H&M)?
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Dietz & Watson
Smith & Wesson
Rhys & Peace
Almond & Joy
Armando & Hammer
Shaw & Star
Oscar & Meyer
Philip & Morris
Yaz & Mirena
Dell & Apple
Hershey & Syrup
Ben & Jerry
Mark & Twain
General & Mills
Mercedes & Benz
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Jaxon and Braxon
Kylie and Kaylee
Bailey and Hailey
Christopher and Christian
Heaven and Nevaeh Luke and Leia
Mary-Kate and Ashley
Adam and EveQuadruplets Mia, Fia, Pia and Kia.

This message was edited 6/17/2010, 7:58 AM

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I could see Luke and Leia.
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awesomeJules and Verne (love this one)
Edgar-Allan and Poe!
Butch and Cassidy
Abbott and Costello?
Adam and Eve!
Opal and Pearl
Babe and Ruth (both girls)
Barnum and Bailey
Betty and Veronica
Bonnie and Clyde
Cagney and Lacey
Calvin and Hobbes!
Lois and Clark
Donald and Daisy (this is actually hella cute)
Ferdinand and Isabella
Virgil and Dante
Bert and Ernie
Gilbert and Sullivan
Marie and Antoinette
Axel and Rose (I actually know of such a pair)
Hansel and Gretel!
Ahab and Ishmael
Cleopatra and Julius / Antony and Cleopatra
Mario and Luigi
Ozzie and Harriet
Oscar and Emmy LOL
Wendy and Peter
Tiffany and Cartier
Simon and Garfunkel
Troilus and Cressida
Fred and Wilma
Betty and BarneyJack and Jill :)
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LOVE Jules and Verne!!!!!
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Butch and Cassidy! Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid is amazing! Paul Newman is just...I love him

This message was edited 6/17/2010, 7:54 AM

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Donald and Daisy is adorable! I'd use it, if only there weren't those darn ducks.
And you forgot Laurel and Hardy.

This message was edited 6/17/2010, 7:44 AM

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frgot to throw in Bonnie and Clyde.
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Sonnet & Story
Adelaide & Geneva
Xanthe & Evanthe
Aderyn & Zipporah
Clara & Zahra
Freya & Frances
August "Gus" & November "Emmy"
August "Gus" & october "Toby"
London & Boston
Elijah & Elodia
Kaia & Keziah
Mordecai & Solomon
Otto & Ottilie
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What's wrong with Mordecai and Solomon?
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Cyndi Lu and Lyndi Su. The A team.Lilye and Rosye.
Garry and Harry; or indeed Barry and Larry. (How about quads?)
Robert and Roberta. Stephen and Stephanie. Anton and Tonya.
Fred and Eric.
Ann and Grace.
Deborah and Melissa.
Harmony and Melody.Maybe the Ann/Grace and Deborah/Melissa combos are too subtle?
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I actually know adult twins named Garry and Larry.
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I used to know twins named Stephen and Stephanie.
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MineAlec & Cael
Winter & Summer
Fox & Wolf
Clementine & Pommeline
Dorothea & Theodora
Evan & Neva
Ford & Mercedes
Willow & Aspen
Violet & Rose
Indigo & Marine
Africa & America
Hawk & Eagle
Siri & Iris
Jasper & Casper
Paris & Athena
Alec & Sandra
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Elisabeth and Isobel
Catherine and Caitlin
Elise and Elizabeth
Gwendolyn and Guinevere
Alexander and Alexandra
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These names are actually good on their own, but using BOTH as fn.s in the same set of twins would be a bit much for me. In some cases, having 1 as a fn and 1 as a mn would be ok.
This is WAY too easy in Jpns.Any 2 of the following- esp. Motoka and Motoki:
Motoka 基香
Motoki 基貴
Motoshi 基枝
Motoyuki 基行
Motonobu 基延
Motonori 基宣Mayu 真由 and Miyu 実結Any 2 of: Christa, Christina, Christian, Crystal, Crystalene, Christiana and Christopher Any 2 of: Mitsuyo 光世, Mitsue 満恵 orMitsuru 満Reika 礼香 and Reiji 礼治Any 2 of: Nobuyuki 信行, Nobuhiro 宣洋, Nobumichi 延道 or Nobuyoshi 信義Emerald and RubinaVictor and VictoriaMelody and HarmonyAny 2 of: Akihiro 晃洋, Akio 晃生, Akira 明, Akina 愛基名, Akari 明加利, Akemi 明実 or Akiyo 明代 (there are more, but you get the idea)Symphony and CadenceAlexander and Alexandra (or Alejandro and Alejandra)Felicia and/or Felicity and/or FelixAny 2 of: Laurel(le), Laura, Lauren, Laurence, Laurene

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This message was edited 6/17/2010, 8:08 AM

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a couple more...Levi and LeroyLeroy and LemayLemay and Levonne
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I'm really useless at stuff like this but let me try:
Thelma and Louise
Elizabeth and Isabella / Isabel / Isobel / whatever spelling
James and Jacob
James and Dean
Marilyn and Norma
Mae and June (oh, we could have triplets: April, May, June)
Orpheus and Eurydice (they could have a sister named Lyra)
Annemarie and Marianne
Autumn and Winter
Something like that?
And a silly one before I'm off to work:
Guy and Boy

This message was edited 6/17/2010, 4:30 AM

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*giggles* Thelma and Louise tickles me. :)The Orpheus, Eurydice, and Lyra sibset is adorable! Okay, I know it's too much, everyone would call Orpheus Morpheus, no one would be able to pronounce Eurydice except English and History teachers, but COME ON!!!!Ooh! I know! Sibset:DD: Lyra
DS/DD: Orpheus / Eurydice
DD: Persephone
DS: Pluto (went with Roman version of Hades, because it sounded better)Ha-Ha! Sorry, I think I got a little carried away...
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I read a book in English class this year (The Secret Life of Bees), in which there were three sisters named May, June, and August. May had originally had a twin sister named April who died years before when the book took place. They said it was because their mother loved the spring and summer so much she decided to name her daughters after months in them. Just thought I'd include that little piece of information. :)Of course, it's not real life though, in which case it would be very unpleasant.

This message was edited 6/17/2010, 11:13 AM

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JAMES DEAN! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I love James Dean! :D My day is made.
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Glad you liked it :D
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I knew a set of bros. in high school (a grade apart) named James and Jacob.
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I must admit I'm never too sure if I really think pairings like that are really thaaaat bad... Not necessarily James and Jacob as they are too close sound-wise IMO, but Isobel and Elisabeth? Hmmm, not sure.
Personally, I'd try to avoid different variations of the one and the same name in a sibset but... you know...
I'm confused ;-)
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Nora & Noah (or this too bad?)Kelan & KieranNoel & Leon (palindrome)I will have to edit my post later since I can't come up with anything right now. I am really bad at these tings...

This message was edited 6/17/2010, 3:37 AM

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