[Games] Bea`s Congrats Round 2
Use the name listed at the bottom to name your new family member. Please don't change any of the spellings. If you forgot to do last round don't worry, just name the member you forgot with names from this round. Those who forgot are: Seda*, Summer, Kelli, lulu
The Hillis Family (Jenni)
DH: Caleb Justin
DW: Jennifer Brianna
DS: Chandler Garrett
The Brown Family (Raindancing)
DH: Jared Anthony
DW: Heather Elizabeth
DD: Katherine Henrietta
The Kendall Family (LadyBug18)
DH: Ian Charles
DW: Emma Brooke
Dog: Daisy
The Johnson Family (auria)
DH: Edward Henry
DW: Eleanor Adelaide
DD/DS: Emma Henrietta / Nicholas Xavier
2 chickins:
The Porter Family (X Mar)
DH: Graham Chase
DW: Hailey Brooke
DS/DS: Ryan Cole / Justin Scott
The Guliani Family (Elegantly Wasted)
DH: Kane Benjamin
DW: Kate Isabell
DD: Bridget Heidi
The Smith Family (slgn4)
DH:Jared Daniel
DW:Alice Caroline
Cat: York
The Parke-Laine Family (Rachel)
DH: Ethan Blake
DW: Cortney Alicia
DD: Marybeth Michelle
The Consolata Family (CalambroneItalia)
DH: Daniel Benjamin
DW: Alicia Brooke
DS: Christopher Mark
The Brody Family (MelH)
DH: Jared Graham
DW: Anne Bridget
DS/DD: Evan Nathaniel / Julia Rachel
The Risteen Family (SwtNikki87)
DH: Brett Anthony
DW: Kelly Anne
Fish: Fred
The St. Croix Family (Caroline)
DH: Charles Benjamin "Charlie"
DW: Emily Katherine
DS: Edward Thomas
The Hall Family (Sophie / eurythmic)
DH: Daniel Jordan
DW: Bethany Joy
DD: Susanna Faith
The Almeida Family (Lindsay)
DH: Kyle Brandon
DW: Hannah Joy
DD/DS: Emily Sarah / Caleb Joshua
The Carpenter Family (ellie321)
DH: George Benjamin
DW: Emily Brooke
DD: Margaret Olivia
The Poe Family (Amy)
DH: Charles Gideon
DW: Alice Eleanor
DS: Philip Malachi
The Samuels Family (Dreamer22)
DH: Blake Andrew
DW: Julia Kate
Dog: Jack
The Colton Family (Seda*)
DH: Graham Isaiah
DW: Kelly Brianna
The Tittlemouse Family (Array)
DH: Gary Edward
DW: Caroline Jill "Caro"
DS/DD/DS: Zebulon Cole, Unity Joy, Malachi Scott
The Stafford Family (bex)
DH: Edward Gideon Charles
DW: Isabell Caroline
DS: Conrad Gideon
The Vincent Family (Summer)
DH: Jason Andrew "Jay"
DW: Jill Brianna "Jilly"
The Hill Family (estel)
DH: Edward Calvin
DW: Joy Adelaide
DS/DD: Elijah James / Autumn Paige
The Beckett Family (avalon)
DH: Chad Gideon
DW: Abigail Kate "Abby"
DS: Jack Martin Elijah
The Harvey Family (Ciara)
DH: Drew Jason
DW: Jennifer Kassidy
DD: Brianna Elsie
The Monsoon Family (MichelleG)
DH: George Isaiah
DW: Heather Elizabeth
DD/DD: Felicity Christine / Charlotte Katherine
The Woods Family (Diamante04)
DH: Kyle Jordan
DW: Jennifer Kelly "Jen"
DS/DS: Nicholas Ryan "Nick" / Connor James
The Flutie Family (Kelli)
DH: Charles Jacob
DW: Emma Jane
The Colins Family (inde_andy1491)
DH:Anthony Calvin
DW:Abigail Elizabeth
DS: Caleb Daniel
The McKnight Family (lulu)
DH: Kyle Jacob
DW: Emily Anne
The O'Hara Family (Chelsea)
DH: Dylan Chase
DW: Heidi Felicity
DD: Bridget Eloise
The Power Family (salsa)
DH: Chase Charles
DW: Heather Katrina
DD: Carly Emma
Boys Names:
Abel Caleb Patrick Benjamin Colby Tony Larry Aidan Dewey Brian Ben Daniel Erick Ethan Bill Cameron Keegan Blake Moses Bob Dudley Cal Garrett Peter Charles Samuel Vance Christopher Thomas Alan Brandon Cole Fred Brett Jack Casey Mark Colin David Carl Dustin Franklin Chandler Henry Dylan Kyle Christian Martin Edward Ian Clinton Mike Elijah Connor Conrad Phil Simon John Derek Hugh Jimmy Curtis Michael Donald Obadiah Elliott Malachi Evan Jacob Howard Lance Curt Mason Gideon Lyle Justin Owen Jared Quinton Rick Shane Jason Ryan Zack Nicholas Nick Timmy Isaiah Stephan Joshua Nathan Nathaniel James Sebastian Jonathan Scott Jordan Oliver Quincy Isaac William Xavier Zachariah Zebulon Zeke
Girls Names:
Isabella Julie Becky Marie Beth Alice Halley Carmen Daisy Alicia Hanna Brigitte Nina Faith Kerrie Kirsten Ally Pollyanna Christine Brooke Natalie Betsy Kate Crystal Polly Margaret Ruth Noelle Rachel Cornelia Jayne Abby Gail Jean Carly May Danielle Amanda Carol Emma Brittany Harriet Aimee Charity Holly Amber Deanna Audrey Jenny Emily Chantelle Jill Nicole Sharon Anna Unity Elizabeth Becca Autumn Grace Courtney Jennifer Bethany Esther Katherine Anne Gabrielle Charlotte Laura Christy Nellie Felicity Eloise Karen Lindsey Elsie Olivia Henrietta Valerie Robin Violet Heidi Lydia Wendy Eleanor Samantha Joy Sarah Heather Paige Michelle Steph Julie Lucy Susan Paula Susanna Tiffany Whitney Tammy May
The Hillis Family (Jenni)
DH: Caleb Justin
DW: Jennifer Brianna
DS: Chandler Garrett
The Brown Family (Raindancing)
DH: Jared Anthony
DW: Heather Elizabeth
DD: Katherine Henrietta
The Kendall Family (LadyBug18)
DH: Ian Charles
DW: Emma Brooke
Dog: Daisy
The Johnson Family (auria)
DH: Edward Henry
DW: Eleanor Adelaide
DD/DS: Emma Henrietta / Nicholas Xavier
2 chickins:
The Porter Family (X Mar)
DH: Graham Chase
DW: Hailey Brooke
DS/DS: Ryan Cole / Justin Scott
The Guliani Family (Elegantly Wasted)
DH: Kane Benjamin
DW: Kate Isabell
DD: Bridget Heidi
The Smith Family (slgn4)
DH:Jared Daniel
DW:Alice Caroline
Cat: York
The Parke-Laine Family (Rachel)
DH: Ethan Blake
DW: Cortney Alicia
DD: Marybeth Michelle
The Consolata Family (CalambroneItalia)
DH: Daniel Benjamin
DW: Alicia Brooke
DS: Christopher Mark
The Brody Family (MelH)
DH: Jared Graham
DW: Anne Bridget
DS/DD: Evan Nathaniel / Julia Rachel
The Risteen Family (SwtNikki87)
DH: Brett Anthony
DW: Kelly Anne
Fish: Fred
The St. Croix Family (Caroline)
DH: Charles Benjamin "Charlie"
DW: Emily Katherine
DS: Edward Thomas
The Hall Family (Sophie / eurythmic)
DH: Daniel Jordan
DW: Bethany Joy
DD: Susanna Faith
The Almeida Family (Lindsay)
DH: Kyle Brandon
DW: Hannah Joy
DD/DS: Emily Sarah / Caleb Joshua
The Carpenter Family (ellie321)
DH: George Benjamin
DW: Emily Brooke
DD: Margaret Olivia
The Poe Family (Amy)
DH: Charles Gideon
DW: Alice Eleanor
DS: Philip Malachi
The Samuels Family (Dreamer22)
DH: Blake Andrew
DW: Julia Kate
Dog: Jack
The Colton Family (Seda*)
DH: Graham Isaiah
DW: Kelly Brianna
The Tittlemouse Family (Array)
DH: Gary Edward
DW: Caroline Jill "Caro"
DS/DD/DS: Zebulon Cole, Unity Joy, Malachi Scott
The Stafford Family (bex)
DH: Edward Gideon Charles
DW: Isabell Caroline
DS: Conrad Gideon
The Vincent Family (Summer)
DH: Jason Andrew "Jay"
DW: Jill Brianna "Jilly"
The Hill Family (estel)
DH: Edward Calvin
DW: Joy Adelaide
DS/DD: Elijah James / Autumn Paige
The Beckett Family (avalon)
DH: Chad Gideon
DW: Abigail Kate "Abby"
DS: Jack Martin Elijah
The Harvey Family (Ciara)
DH: Drew Jason
DW: Jennifer Kassidy
DD: Brianna Elsie
The Monsoon Family (MichelleG)
DH: George Isaiah
DW: Heather Elizabeth
DD/DD: Felicity Christine / Charlotte Katherine
The Woods Family (Diamante04)
DH: Kyle Jordan
DW: Jennifer Kelly "Jen"
DS/DS: Nicholas Ryan "Nick" / Connor James
The Flutie Family (Kelli)
DH: Charles Jacob
DW: Emma Jane
The Colins Family (inde_andy1491)
DH:Anthony Calvin
DW:Abigail Elizabeth
DS: Caleb Daniel
The McKnight Family (lulu)
DH: Kyle Jacob
DW: Emily Anne
The O'Hara Family (Chelsea)
DH: Dylan Chase
DW: Heidi Felicity
DD: Bridget Eloise
The Power Family (salsa)
DH: Chase Charles
DW: Heather Katrina
DD: Carly Emma
Boys Names:
Abel Caleb Patrick Benjamin Colby Tony Larry Aidan Dewey Brian Ben Daniel Erick Ethan Bill Cameron Keegan Blake Moses Bob Dudley Cal Garrett Peter Charles Samuel Vance Christopher Thomas Alan Brandon Cole Fred Brett Jack Casey Mark Colin David Carl Dustin Franklin Chandler Henry Dylan Kyle Christian Martin Edward Ian Clinton Mike Elijah Connor Conrad Phil Simon John Derek Hugh Jimmy Curtis Michael Donald Obadiah Elliott Malachi Evan Jacob Howard Lance Curt Mason Gideon Lyle Justin Owen Jared Quinton Rick Shane Jason Ryan Zack Nicholas Nick Timmy Isaiah Stephan Joshua Nathan Nathaniel James Sebastian Jonathan Scott Jordan Oliver Quincy Isaac William Xavier Zachariah Zebulon Zeke
Girls Names:
Isabella Julie Becky Marie Beth Alice Halley Carmen Daisy Alicia Hanna Brigitte Nina Faith Kerrie Kirsten Ally Pollyanna Christine Brooke Natalie Betsy Kate Crystal Polly Margaret Ruth Noelle Rachel Cornelia Jayne Abby Gail Jean Carly May Danielle Amanda Carol Emma Brittany Harriet Aimee Charity Holly Amber Deanna Audrey Jenny Emily Chantelle Jill Nicole Sharon Anna Unity Elizabeth Becca Autumn Grace Courtney Jennifer Bethany Esther Katherine Anne Gabrielle Charlotte Laura Christy Nellie Felicity Eloise Karen Lindsey Elsie Olivia Henrietta Valerie Robin Violet Heidi Lydia Wendy Eleanor Samantha Joy Sarah Heather Paige Michelle Steph Julie Lucy Susan Paula Susanna Tiffany Whitney Tammy May
The Monsoon Family (MichelleG)
DH: George Isaiah
DW: Heather Elizabeth
DD/DD: Felicity Christine / Charlotte Katherine
DCat(f): Elsie
"Any child can tell you that the sole purpose of a middle name is so he can tell when he's really in trouble." - Dennis Frakes
DH: George Isaiah
DW: Heather Elizabeth
DD/DD: Felicity Christine / Charlotte Katherine
DCat(f): Elsie
"Any child can tell you that the sole purpose of a middle name is so he can tell when he's really in trouble." - Dennis Frakes
The Stafford Family (bex)
DH: Edward Gideon Charles
DW: Isabell Caroline
DS: Conrad Gideon
DS: Elliott Christian
~~~~~~~~~~ Bex ~~~~~~~~~~~
Professor Snape: Read it.
Harry: "Messrs. Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, offer their compliments to Professor Snape and..."
Professor Snape: Go on.
Harry: "... and request that he keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business."
DH: Edward Gideon Charles
DW: Isabell Caroline
DS: Conrad Gideon
DS: Elliott Christian
~~~~~~~~~~ Bex ~~~~~~~~~~~
Professor Snape: Read it.
Harry: "Messrs. Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, offer their compliments to Professor Snape and..."
Professor Snape: Go on.
Harry: "... and request that he keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business."
Sorry I didn't get to respond to the last round! Last night was Halloween and I was the designated treat-or-treater chauffer.
The Colton Family (Seda*)
DH: Graham Isaiah
DW: Kelly Brianna
Hamster: Lady Emma Pollyanna of Yorkshire (hehe... Kelly's real Yorkie Terrier is named Emma)
DD: Daisy Eleanor

The Colton Family (Seda*)
DH: Graham Isaiah
DW: Kelly Brianna
Hamster: Lady Emma Pollyanna of Yorkshire (hehe... Kelly's real Yorkie Terrier is named Emma)
DD: Daisy Eleanor

The Almeida Family (Lindsay)
DH: Kyle Brandon
DW: Hannah Joy
DD/DS: Emily Sarah / Caleb Joshua
DS: Jacob Daniel
Your eyes, your smile, made my little life worthwhile. The sky was a lot more blue when I was on top of you.
Fudge, Packer?
Cannibal! The Musical
DH: Kyle Brandon
DW: Hannah Joy
DD/DS: Emily Sarah / Caleb Joshua
DS: Jacob Daniel
Fudge, Packer?
Cannibal! The Musical
The Woods Family (Diamante04)
DH: Kyle Jordan
DW: Jennifer Kelly "Jen"
DS/DS: Nicholas Ryan "Nick" / Connor James
DD: Michelle Marie

~*~Jennifer Nicole~*~
Ariella Michelle Rene, Carrie Elisabeth Marie
Grant William, Jude Hamilton
DH: Kyle Jordan
DW: Jennifer Kelly "Jen"
DS/DS: Nicholas Ryan "Nick" / Connor James
DD: Michelle Marie
~*~Jennifer Nicole~*~
Ariella Michelle Rene, Carrie Elisabeth Marie
Grant William, Jude Hamilton
The Tittlemouse Family (Array)
DH: Gary Edward
DW: Caroline Jill "Caro"
DS/DD/DS: Zebulon Cole "Zeb", Unity Joy "Nini", Malachi Scott "Mal"
DD: Pollyanna Jenny "Poll"
Gary, Caro, Zeb, Nini, Mal, and Poll Tittlemouse
Get into the car
We'll be the passenger
We'll ride through the city tonight
See the city's ripped insides
We'll see the bright and hollow sky
We'll see the stars that shine so bright
The sky was made for us tonight
DH: Gary Edward
DW: Caroline Jill "Caro"
DS/DD/DS: Zebulon Cole "Zeb", Unity Joy "Nini", Malachi Scott "Mal"
DD: Pollyanna Jenny "Poll"
Gary, Caro, Zeb, Nini, Mal, and Poll Tittlemouse
We'll be the passenger
We'll ride through the city tonight
See the city's ripped insides
We'll see the bright and hollow sky
We'll see the stars that shine so bright
The sky was made for us tonight