Madeleine and
Madeline are pronounced the same for me; I say MAD-uh-lyne, to rhyme with fine/shine/mine.
Emmeline is EM-muh-leen.
Caroline is CA-row-lyne, rhymes with
Madeleine and
Evangeline is horrid. Haha, just kidding (although I really do hate it). I pronounce it ehv-ANN-jell-een.
Erin and
Aaron are different to me.
Erin sounds more like "air" when I say it, but the "aa" in
Aaron sounds like the a in "cat."
Ember and
Amber are very different to me. Ember's "em" rhymes with "stem."
Amber's "am" prefix rhymes with "clam."
Arielle and
Ariel are the same to me, but that's because I'm obsessed with Hebrew names (and I speak a bit of the language). Pronounced ah-ree-ELL. It bugs the @#$@$ out of me when people pronounce
Ariel as "aerial," like they're taking a picture of him/her from a high elevation. How annoying!