[Games] Create A School Elimination
Take 3 names from each student until there is one left. Please repost directions!
Sixth Grade
LN: Ely-Mooney
Christopher Deon
Casey Darion
Christian Tyrell
Lucas Jamal
Bradley Darien
Christophe Darian
Brett Devonta
Lysander Kegan
Cristobal Davon
Damon Daquan
Geoffrey Jaleel
Colin Davontae
Constantinos Davonte
Adam Demetrius
Kristoffer Darrion
Eric Stetson
LN: Ferrer
Bradley Herbert
Hunter Earnest
Bentley Bertram
Drew Roland
Bailey Gilbert
Roswell Ernest
Lincoln Anatole
Hayes Leonard
Travis Leopold
Berton Rupert
Bryan Armand
Beck Hubert
Elton Robert
Allison Gerard
Berkeley Bernard
Avery Herman
LN: Ferretti
Miles Allen
Clayton Gene
James Alvin
Moses Eddie
Alan Guy
Matthew Loren
Henry Dannie
Richard Jim
Harrison Philip
Forrest Gilbert
Thomas Glen
Warren Carl
Clay Lawrence
Dwight Steve
Alex Dwight
Byron Franklin
Sixth Grade
LN: Ely-Mooney
Christopher Deon
Casey Darion
Christian Tyrell
Lucas Jamal
Bradley Darien
Christophe Darian
Brett Devonta
Lysander Kegan
Cristobal Davon
Damon Daquan
Geoffrey Jaleel
Colin Davontae
Constantinos Davonte
Adam Demetrius
Kristoffer Darrion
Eric Stetson
LN: Ferrer
Bradley Herbert
Hunter Earnest
Bentley Bertram
Drew Roland
Bailey Gilbert
Roswell Ernest
Lincoln Anatole
Hayes Leonard
Travis Leopold
Berton Rupert
Bryan Armand
Beck Hubert
Elton Robert
Allison Gerard
Berkeley Bernard
Avery Herman
LN: Ferretti
Miles Allen
Clayton Gene
James Alvin
Moses Eddie
Alan Guy
Matthew Loren
Henry Dannie
Richard Jim
Harrison Philip
Forrest Gilbert
Thomas Glen
Warren Carl
Clay Lawrence
Dwight Steve
Alex Dwight
Byron Franklin
Take 3 names from each student until there is one left. Please repost directions!
Sixth Grade
LN: Ely-Mooney
Christopher Deon
Casey Darion
Christian Tyrell
Lucas Jamal
Bradley Darien
Christophe Darian
Lysander Kegan
Damon Daquan
Geoffrey Jaleel
Constantinos Davonte
Adam Demetrius
Kristoffer Darrion
Eric Stetson
Taking: Cristobal Davon, Brett Devonta, Colin Davontae
LN: Ferrer
Bradley Herbert
Hunter Earnest
Drew Roland
Bailey Gilbert
Roswell Ernest
Lincoln Anatole
Travis Leopold
Berton Rupert
Bryan Armand
Beck Hubert
Elton Robert
Berkeley Bernard
Avery Herman
Taking: Allison Gerard, Bentley Bertram, Hayes Leonard
Sixth Grade
LN: Ely-Mooney
Christopher Deon
Casey Darion
Christian Tyrell
Lucas Jamal
Bradley Darien
Christophe Darian
Lysander Kegan
Damon Daquan
Geoffrey Jaleel
Constantinos Davonte
Adam Demetrius
Kristoffer Darrion
Eric Stetson
Taking: Cristobal Davon, Brett Devonta, Colin Davontae
LN: Ferrer
Bradley Herbert
Hunter Earnest
Drew Roland
Bailey Gilbert
Roswell Ernest
Lincoln Anatole
Travis Leopold
Berton Rupert
Bryan Armand
Beck Hubert
Elton Robert
Berkeley Bernard
Avery Herman
Taking: Allison Gerard, Bentley Bertram, Hayes Leonard
Take 3 names from each student until there is one left. Please repost directions!
Sixth Grade
LN: Ely-Mooney
Christopher Deon
Christian Tyrell
Lucas Jamal
Christophe Darian
Lysander Kegan
Geoffrey Jaleel
Constantinos Davonte
Adam Demetrius
Kristoffer Darrion
Eric Stetson
Taking: Casey Darion, Damon Daquan and Bradley Darien
LN: Ferrer
Bradley Herbert
Drew Roland
Bailey Gilbert
Roswell Ernest
Lincoln Anatole
Travis Leopold
Bryan Armand
Beck Hubert
Elton Robert
Berkeley Bernard
Taking: Hunter Earnest, Berton Rupert and Avery Herman
LN: Ferretti
Miles Allen
Clayton Gene
James Alvin
Moses Eddie
Alan Guy
Matthew Loren
Harrison Philip
Thomas Glen
Clay Lawrence
Alex Dwight
Taking: Richard Jim, Forrest Gilbert and Byron Franklin
Sixth Grade
LN: Ely-Mooney
Christopher Deon
Christian Tyrell
Lucas Jamal
Christophe Darian
Lysander Kegan
Geoffrey Jaleel
Constantinos Davonte
Adam Demetrius
Kristoffer Darrion
Eric Stetson
Taking: Casey Darion, Damon Daquan and Bradley Darien
LN: Ferrer
Bradley Herbert
Drew Roland
Bailey Gilbert
Roswell Ernest
Lincoln Anatole
Travis Leopold
Bryan Armand
Beck Hubert
Elton Robert
Berkeley Bernard
Taking: Hunter Earnest, Berton Rupert and Avery Herman
LN: Ferretti
Miles Allen
Clayton Gene
James Alvin
Moses Eddie
Alan Guy
Matthew Loren
Harrison Philip
Thomas Glen
Clay Lawrence
Alex Dwight
Taking: Richard Jim, Forrest Gilbert and Byron Franklin
Take 3 names from each student until there is one left. Please repost directions!
Sixth Grade
LN: Ely-Mooney
Christopher Deon
Christian Tyrell
Christophe Darian
Lysander Kegan
Geoffrey Jaleel
Adam Demetrius
Eric Stetson
Taking: Lucas Jamal, Kristoffer Darrion, and Constantinos Davonte
LN: Ferrer
Drew Roland
Roswell Ernest
Lincoln Anatole
Travis Leopold
Bryan Armand
Elton Robert
Berkeley Bernard
Taking: Bailey Gilbert, Bradley Herbert, and Beck Hubert
LN: Ferretti
Miles Allen
James Alvin
Alan Guy
Matthew Loren
Thomas Glen
Clay Lawrence
Alex Dwight
Taking: Clayton Gene, Moses Eddie, and Harrison Philip
Sixth Grade
LN: Ely-Mooney
Christopher Deon
Christian Tyrell
Christophe Darian
Lysander Kegan
Geoffrey Jaleel
Adam Demetrius
Eric Stetson
Taking: Lucas Jamal, Kristoffer Darrion, and Constantinos Davonte
LN: Ferrer
Drew Roland
Roswell Ernest
Lincoln Anatole
Travis Leopold
Bryan Armand
Elton Robert
Berkeley Bernard
Taking: Bailey Gilbert, Bradley Herbert, and Beck Hubert
LN: Ferretti
Miles Allen
James Alvin
Alan Guy
Matthew Loren
Thomas Glen
Clay Lawrence
Alex Dwight
Taking: Clayton Gene, Moses Eddie, and Harrison Philip
Take 3 names from each student until there is one left. Please repost directions!
Sixth Grade
LN: Ely-Mooney
Christopher Deon
Christian Tyrell
Adam Demetrius
Eric Stetson
Taking: Geoffrey Jaleel, Christophe Darian, and Lysander Kegan
LN: Ferrer
Drew Roland
Lincoln Anatole
Travis Leopold
Bryan Armand
Taking: Roswell Ernest, Elton Robert, and Berkeley Bernard
LN: Ferretti
Miles Allen
James Alvin
Thomas Glen
Alex Dwight
Taking: Clay Lawrence, Alan Guy, and Matthew Loren
Sixth Grade
LN: Ely-Mooney
Christopher Deon
Christian Tyrell
Adam Demetrius
Eric Stetson
Taking: Geoffrey Jaleel, Christophe Darian, and Lysander Kegan
LN: Ferrer
Drew Roland
Lincoln Anatole
Travis Leopold
Bryan Armand
Taking: Roswell Ernest, Elton Robert, and Berkeley Bernard
LN: Ferretti
Miles Allen
James Alvin
Thomas Glen
Alex Dwight
Taking: Clay Lawrence, Alan Guy, and Matthew Loren
Take 3 names from each student until there is one left. Please repost directions!
Sixth Grade
LN: Ely-Mooney
Adam Demetrius
Taking: Eric Stetson Christian Tyrell, and Christopher Deon
LN: Ferrer
Lincoln Anatole
Taking: Bryan Armand Drew Roland, and Travis Leopold
LN: Ferretti
James Alvin
Taking: Alex Dwight, Miles Allen, and Thomas Glen
Sixth Grade
LN: Ely-Mooney
Adam Demetrius
Taking: Eric Stetson Christian Tyrell, and Christopher Deon
LN: Ferrer
Lincoln Anatole
Taking: Bryan Armand Drew Roland, and Travis Leopold
LN: Ferretti
James Alvin
Taking: Alex Dwight, Miles Allen, and Thomas Glen