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[Facts] An FN update and a new SN
Howdy Mike,I made up the name Ferdinangus on the fun board and did a web search which turned up nothing. But one engine suggested that I'd mistyped Ferdinandus. This led to a family site for that surname. It wasn't in the surnames list here (although the FN is present) so I asked the guy for more info. This is what he said:-------------------------------
Thanks for your response;
The -us ending is indeed "son of". It hails from the 17th and 18th century in the Netherlands. Some of the Ferdinandus names are changed spelling from Portuguese people in the colonies, when they were taken over by the Dutch in the early 17th century (Ceylon, Malaysia, Moluccas etc)Ferdinand (m)1 from . fardi = travel & nand = dare"The Intrepid Traveller"2 from Fride = Peace &nand = dare"He who dares to be peaceful"Yours truly,
Edmone Ferdinandus
-------------------------------I thought maybe you'd want to add that info to Ferdinand and create a Ferdinandus?Regards,
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I am proud to own a Latin translation of the children's book ; its title is , and it's still a rattling good yarn.
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Well, what do you know? I've invented a way to make text disappear. Would Bill Gates pay for my services, do you suppose?What I tried to do was say that the Latin version of Ferdinand the Bull is Ferdinandus Taurus!
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