This is one of my guilty pleasure names. I pronounce it bree-AH-na. It was used in a poem called "The Fairie Queene" (published 1590-1596). While Brianna is really trendy Briana always seemed a very classic and beautiful name to me. I really dislike it pronounced bree-AN-ah or brie-AN-ah, though I only like bree-AH-na.
1. What do you think of Briana ?
2. How do you pronounce Briana ?
3. There are many different spellings of the name. Which one is your favorite ? Briana, Brianna, Breana, Breanna (other ?)
4. How do you pronounce them ? Do you pronounce them the same or do you say brie-AN-ah (Brianna) but bree-AN-ah (Breanna), bree-AH-na (Breana) etc ?
5. Do you like Brianne ? How do you pronounce it ?
6. What do you think of Breann, Breanne, Breane, Briane, Bryann etc (favorite spelling, pronunciation).
7. Do you see all versions as trendy or are some classic to you ?
8. Do you think it's still too common ? Do you know many ? Will it always be misspelled or mispronounced ? Is there any pronunciation/spelling that is popular where you live ? Do you think it will remain popular for long ? be dated ?