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[Facts] Re: w/e language ur speaking, i dont speak it
Relax - whoever told you that these 'names' were Latin knows less Latin than you do! (And is dyslexic in French as well. Quite a triumph.) As for naming a son after Hera, it did no harm to Hercules.The world is a big place, teeming with information, much of it inaccurate, but all of it open to research.
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not quiteI speak french thank you, and Reine-dieu isn't that bad. La Reine du dieus (I don't knwo if it would be an 's' ending on the word) i suppose would be the most correct.
As for where that man that said it was a reference to Hera, well, he was up the creek.
I found a name Reinedieu, but not meaning 'queen god' but from Reine et Dieu, 'queen and god'.
When Reine et Dieu is said quickly, its sounds like Renediah, and if it Renediem is just the male form, it makes good sense.
One lingering question, I don't know much history, don't much like it, but i suppose if the name was french, they were talking about a French Queen, who could it be?
Does this make more sence, 'queen and god'?
EVeryone's thoughts~SilverPs. How odd, i used my real name up there.... not sure why i did that, lol
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Ashley? That a wonderful name, Silver :)
Its anagram is "He slay" :P
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peachyHe slay, eh? Good im a male wow, i wish i could speak english, lol.
For the record, I hate my name beyond words!
If you go to Mike's most poplular name section, like 1% of the population since the 80's has been named Ashley.
I have 9 of them in my grade, and up to 4 of them in one class!
It's annoying!!! lol, my parents could of at least spelt it uniquely!
I am changing my name to Ashlea when I am 18, it is the Gaelic form of Ashley, and reflects my heritage.
I always wanted a Gaelic, or at least a Scottish name.
Most ppl pronounce it the same, but it is actually supposed to be (Ahsh-leh)
Plus my last name is Cameron, and there is something like a hundred or more Ashley Cameron's in all of Ontario!
Nevermind the Ashleighs and Ashlees etc.
hehehe, I'm Cameron of Lochiel, I always wondered what Lochiel meant. I know the loch part, meaning lake, thats all.
I also have Queen's Highlander Cameron in me too, but when it comes down to it, im a Heinz 57, or just 'Canadian'.
If you guys can tell me if Lochiel means anything more then 'lake', that'd be cool.
And thank you for the compliment Pavlos.
Be thankful your name is spunky.~ Silver sa Ryuchia
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Whaz Heinz 57, I only know it as a brand of ketchup?Y :)
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you would be correctYes, that's right! I am ketchup! Everywhere across the world ketchup is gathering to take over the planet!!! Muhahaha!
Hmmm.... I need sleep...
Heinz is the ketchup name, and 57 is supposedly how many spices they put into the ketchup.
All in all it just means a biiiiiig mix of stuff, nto really being one or the other.
Despite all the lil bits of spice in me, im just basically ketchup.... I mean Canadian!
Lol, maybe it is just a slang we use around here for someone who is a mutt.
I have sooo many backrounds.... Austrian, English, French, German, Irish, Native, Polish, & Scottish
I am a bit more Scottish then everything else, I feel scottish, the only backround that I have ever been taught is Scottish, and I look very scottish, so it is really the only backround I recognize
so yep, I am ketchupTalk to you tomato~ Silver
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It's also one of the feline equivalents to "mutt" or "friendly parents".:meowr:
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Ha-ha!OK, I guess we'd call that 'melting pot', or something similar. And Silver, referring back to our emails, we don't buy store ketchup anymore, either. Sooner or later, we'll make our own, but haven't got to it yet. We make our own -BQ sauce, though.Y :)
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Hercules war a member of Homintern?!?!?!?! :P
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Herakles to you!
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