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[Facts] Re: O - R additions
Vegetating in front of a fireplace in a small village in the mountains of Arcadia :)
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At least, that's what I'd have, if I was cozied up in front of a fireplace on a day as wet and cold as it is here in Noo Yawk right now.-- Nanaea
(Hey! I noticed Mike C. put up a link to my name, but I don't see it in the dictionary...)
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the Nanaea linkThe site is in a bit of a mess right now. The look-up files have been updated, but the name files have not. The look-up files are used by the message board script to create links (eg Nanaea) to the name files.In the next couple of days I should have everything back in order. The one item that is holding me up is the redesigned search function, which still has a few outstanding bugs (you can preview it at
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Very cool, Mike! :) I just tried your redesigned search function, and I can see now how helpful that would have been for the person who recently posted asking for feminine names with a meaning of "fire". I tried it, and came up with "Orinda"! How handy!Have you got a search function to find old postings on the message board, too? Or even an archive of past postings somewhere? I figured out how to access old postings one-at-a-time by typing in various numbers in the URL, as in -- but that's not really too practical. It be nice to have some way of easily accessing an entire page of old postings at a time.The completed and cross-referenced Anagram Name List should be ready within a week (if not sooner), at the rate Pavlos (PriaposLovs) is going on it. Norah is cool and all, but both Pavlos and I agree that you should be the first to have the completed project, and be given time to get it set up on your site first, before it's offered to anyone else, seeing as how the project originated on your forum. The list is up to 1,487 entries right now. We're also going to request that anyone who uses the Anagram Name List on their site, give a mention to your "Behind the Name" site as the original home of the list. :)-- Nanaea
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Everything has been updated now. Nanaea now points to a real location (as does Pavlos and Nephele).There is currently no way to search old messages. In fact, most of them are deleted. A few months after I first started the message board I ran into the dilemma about what to do with old messages. I posted a question asking whether anyone would care if I deleted them, and got no reponse. (I believe this was before Daividh and Che began frequenting the board.) So up until this point I have been deleting messages more than 2 months old in order to keep the message board page a reasonable size. (66.html apparently slipped through the cracks)From now on I will create monthly archives and in the future I will add a way to search archived messages.The anagram list: I am eagerly awaiting it. And I really have no problem with sharing the list equally with Norah! I think the site they run is well done and I frequent it often.
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You're too cool, Mike. :) And so is Norah. And so is William Tunstall-Pedoe of who also wants the list for his website.It'll be nice to see the postings archived from now on, too. I suppose the reason you never got any comments about it the first time you asked, was because you didn't have any "regulars" hanging out in the "Behind-the-Name" pub here. I must remember to ask Daividh and P.L. when they both started posting here. I found postings from Daividh dating back to January of last year, and postings of P.L. going back to July of last year. It'd be interesting to know, for historical purposes. :)-- Nanaea (I love my link!)
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Good going Mike :) Please dont bother adding PriaposLovs or CheBanana to your list however :P
By the way, let me point out that Nephele also has a Latin version, Nebula.
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