[Facts] Gotta tell ya Disney World is sure on the ball, tho'
When John and I were there in September, they had tables set up at the entrances to all the theme parks, and you had to open your bag, knapsack, whatever, to be search by the security personnel before you were allowed into any of the parks. You also had to have photo I.D. to go on any of the backstage tours this time. All new security measures since Sept. 11th.
Then, when we went on the Disney Cruise, you had to have photo I.D. to get off and on the ship at every port -- even at their private island. You also had to pass through a metal detector each time you disembarked or embarked, and have your bags x-rayed. This, too, was new since Sept. 11th, as we'd been on the cruise before.
There were other security measures at Disney World, too. Gotta tell you, too, no one complained about the extra wait in line because of the added security. I give the Disney folks major props for their thoroughness and attention to detail.
Security on Disney properties ain't no Mickey Mouse operation.
-- Nanaea