[Facts] And don't forget Romeo Gnab, whose weapon of choice is a boomerang :) n/t
in reply to a message by Pavlos
Welcome to the club :)
Hey, Pavlos! We have another convert! LOL!
do you want to name ur kid boomerang? lol
Thanks, you never know....By the way, Romeo's partner is Ramone Bog and when they do their gnabbing, each wears a mango robe!
Are they all members of the Genaro Mob? I hear Moe Brogan's the Boss.
Yep, and when he makes you an offer, you "beg or moan" :P
LOL! Hey, Barb? What's your middle name? :)
It's Mary ...oh-oh ;)
Your Goth name: "Macabra Apryl Bramble"
Thanks, Nan! Macabra seems strangely apt! :)
I want to see macabra picture to fear I want some picture please