Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Masculine & Feminine
Scripts 縁, 頼, 縁芽, etc.(Japanese Kanji) よすが(Japanese Hiragana) ヨスガ(Japanese Katakana)

Meaning & History

From 縁 (yosuga) meaning "clue, way, means; relative; reminder, memento," derived, via a sound shift, from a combination of archaic verb 寄す (yosu) meaning "to bring near, put close, let come near" and 処 (ka) meaning "place, spot."
It can also be written as 頼, from tayori meaning "reliance, dependence," and it can be suffixed with a ga kanji, e.g. 芽 meaning "bud, sprout."

This name is very rarely used.
Added 11/2/2019 by m4yb3_daijirou
Edited 5/6/2022 by m4yb3_daijirou and Mike C