Kylie Jenner used this as a last name for her son named Wolf. He was born February 2 2022.
I’d name a spider this.
Unless your child is a dictionary...
I don't mind this last name, because I have to deal with it (it being my last name and all). Especially when your first name and your last, rhyme. But to tell the truth, I am kinda nerdy.
At least it sounds kind of intelligent, and certainly not very common.
Pretty funny name! I have the same feeling toward all the -ster ending names. (no offense to the people bearing those names).
This always sounded like a nerd name to me. I think it's because of the dictionary. I wouldn't recommend it.
Makes me think of dictionaries and webbed feet. A horrible name.
Really? Who in their right mind would name their kid after the dictionary? I sure wouldn't!
Sounds like the name of a nerd, but I might just be thinking of the dictionary.
It's funny how this name sounds so youthful, yet it can only be imagined on old men and dead old men, as the dictionary has pretty much made it weird to use. If t wasn't for the dictionary, I'd say this name sounds like the name of a guy who will always be immature and annoying, just the way I feel about Dexter and Baxter.
Noah Webster wrote the first American dictionary. Also, there was a T.V. show in the 1980's about a little boy named Webster; he was played by Emmanuel Lewis.

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