Tylor Megill is an American baseball player. He pronounces his name tie-lore.
This looks like a mashup of Tyler and Taylor. I imagine a boy with this name will constantly have to correct people on how it's spelled.
As a Tylor myself I don't hate it I just find it pretentious. After I left public school I started using e instead of o. Saved me a ton of explaining considering I already have to explain my last name. I'll likely never legally change it. I would just avoid naming your kid this for their own sanity. Also the nickname Tielord wasn't pleasant.
This is horrible. It's even worse than Tyler, which I didn't even know was possible to achieve. I feel so bad for the handful of boys with this awful "name".
This is a very ugly, obnoxious misspelling and makes me hate the name Tyler even more.
I named my youngest son Tylor because I liked the way it was spelled. Nobody ever spells his name correctly and everyone at first reads it as Taylor. My son gets so annoyed with people. He says it is TYLOR, T-Y-L-O-R. I still like his name.

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