Svea Flood was a missionary to Zaire along with her husband David. She had a baby named Aina, but sadly died soon after. However, through sharing her faith with one boy, most of that village later became Christian.
Mother Svea is a national personification of Sweden.Source:
Svea is also Estonian. The name day for Svea in Estonia is August 14.Sources:
I love how this name sounds, and the simplicity of it.
Whoa, this is so pretty! Love the sound and how short it is.
This name is absolutely beautiful! It's so exotic sounding, you don't often hear s and v together in sequence.
I know a girl named Svea. Very pretty name, but she pronounces it suh-VAY-ah. Not as pretty as SVAY-ah...
I think this name is beautiful! Short and sweet and elegant.
This is just the loveliest short name there is. I adore it. :)
Pronounced SVEH-ah.
Svea is not the word for Sweden in Swedish. [noted -ed]
The name of Sweden in modern Swedish is Sverige. Svea Rike is the old name, used several centuries ago. Svea lives on, though, in the name of the central region of Sweden: Svealand. The southern region is called Götaland and the northern Norrland.
Svea was originally (during the 1600-1700's) ONLY used as a term for Sweden. It wasn't until the poet Tegnèr published his poem Svea in 1817 that it started getting used as a given name.
The name Svea is two syllables: Svay-ahh.

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