Meaning & History
This name can be used as 鹿, 史可, 志佳, 紫花 or 詩夏 with 鹿 (roku, shika, ka) meaning "deer," 史 (shi) meaning "chronicle, history," 志 (shi, kokorozashi,, shiringu) meaning "aspire, hopes, intention, motive, plan, resolve, shilling," 紫 (shi, murasaki) meaning "purple, violet," 詩 (shi, uta) meaning "poem, poetry," 可 (ka, kou,, -be.shi) meaning "can, do not, mustn't, passable, should not," 佳 (ka, kei) meaning "beautiful, excellent, good, pleasing, skilled," 花 (ka, ke, hana) meaning "flower" and 夏 (ka, ga, ge, natsu) meaning "summer."