Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Masculine
Usage Japanese
Scripts 良太郎, 亮太郎, 鐐太郎, 僚太郎, 涼太郎, 諒太郎, 龍太郎, etc.(Japanese Kanji) りょうたろう(Japanese Hiragana) リョウタロウ(Japanese Katakana)
Other Forms FormsRyotaro, Ryotarou, Ryoutaro, Ryoutarou

Meaning & History

From Ryō combined with Tarō.

Famous bearers of this name include voice actor Ryōtarō Okiayu (置鮎 龍太郎) (1969-) and singer and actor Ryōtarō Sugi (杉 良太郎), born Katsuhiro Yamada (山田 勝啓) (1944-).
Added 9/14/2015 by anonymous
Edited 3/28/2020 by Mike C, m4yb3_daijirou, ShioTanbo1 and more