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I love this name SOO SO SOO MUCH, I particularly like the complex spelling. I would pronouce it Reh-na, idk if that is just something British people do tho!
'Reyna' also means "queen" in Tagalog, it is derived from Spanish. It isn't used as a name in the Philippines though. I think it could work as a name.
This name is rare in Spain, with only 195 bearers (source: is more common in Latin America:
Reyna Angélica Marroquín was a Salvadoran woman who was murdered in the U.S. in 1969. Her murder was not discovered until 1999, 30 years after its occurrence, when her body was found in the former home of Howard B. Elkins in Jericho.
I really like this name because Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano is personally my favourite character in the Heroes of Olympus series. It means queen and I think it is a beautiful name as it shows power.
Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano is a character in "The Heroes of Olympus" series written by Rick Riordan. She is a daughter of Bellona. Her sister is Hylla, Queen of the Amazons. Reyna can lend her strength to others. She is currently praetor at Camp Jupiter, a camp for roman demigods.
More than 99.9 percent of people with the first name Reyna are female.
Also Yiddish.
A famous bearer is Reyna in Rick Riordan's the Heroes of Olympus series.
All I can think when I hear about Reyna is a beautiful and strong girl with dark brown hair and chocolate eyes, kinda influenced by that Reyna girl on "Heroes of Olympus". She's a favorite new character of mine right after Hazel and I think she's way better than Piper. But anyway, it's a beautiful name and I would totally name my daughter this.
My name is Reyna(: I LOVE MY NAME! Every person I talk to thinks my name fits me! My name is very unique & I love it! It is Spanish for Queen(: So don't hate Hahaha(:
This is a truly regal name for a beautiful girl.
For some reason, this name seems very hispanic to me. When I think of 'Reyna', my image is of a Latin girl with long, dark hair. My husband totally loves this name and has mentioned it quite often as a possibility for a girl. I prefer the 'Reyna' spelling as opposed to the 'Reina' one. Overall, it's a great name. Not common and not trendy in the slightest. It's something I'd consider if I ever had a daughter.

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