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I thought I invented this name as a silly variant of Quinn until I realized that people actually name their kids this.
Yeah, I can see why it’s rare.
A derivation from Anna seems unlikely.
I love this variant of Anna. Much less frilly and precious. It's gorgeous.
What the hell? Quack, quack, Quanna.
Just another trendy prefix.
What even is this?
I can’t tell if I like this name, or hate it. It sounds quite low-class anyways. I don’t like the sound of it. I like LeShawna.
I really don’t like this name. Quanna, the way it sounds makes me want to cringe! It just sounds way too ugly and pretentious, I don’t even care if this name was made up! “Kwanna”... eww, no offense! I just loathe the way it sounds! I apologize for trash talking this name and for offending anyone with this name. But I do feel sorry for anyone with this name. It would be depressing to saddle your daughter with this ugly name. They are probably going to get teased about it.
How do you pronounce this- KWAH-na? KWI-a-na? Either way it’s ugly, fake, made-up and trendy.
My name is Hannah, and even though I don't like my name, this is just plain ugly and stupid. Who in God's name would want to be named "Quanna"? It sounds like so fake.
Eww, this is so ugly! D:
This looks stupid and fake. I can't pronounce it. Is it QUANN-uh or QUAH-nuh? Either way, Quanna is a hideous name.
Q is one of my favorite letters for names, since you don't see or hear them very often, but this name is just hideous. It's some random trendy syllable crammed onto an equally popular and trendy suffix. Is it that hard to look up legit Q names, like Quintessa and Quintavia?
Not the worst name in the world, but I hate how it starts with a Q.
This name is seriously ugly.
This is just a hideous name.

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