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This is a very respectable name. I like that it was the name of two popes.
The French writer and translator Paschal Grousset wrote (among other works) the first drafts of Jules Verne's novels "The Begum's Fortune" and "The Vanished Diamond".
Étienne-Paschal Taché (1795-1865) was a Canadian doctor and politician. Taché was from the Quebec province, and as a French-Canadian, Taché was a vivid supporter of the British Crown and in 1848, he delivered his famous idea of French-Canadian loyalty to the British crown: … ‘‘we will never forget our allegiance till the last cannon which is shot on this continent in defense of Great Britain is fired by the hand of a French-Canadian’’ ’. Sir Étienne-Paschal Taché's loyalty was even officially recognized as an ‘aide-de-camp to Queen Victoria, and held the honorary rank of a Colonel in the army.
So rare it's not given, or simply not french.

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