Paride Suzzara Verdi (1 April 1826 – 7 August 1879) was an Italian patriot, journalist and politician. Suzzara Verdi was among the twenty people who met on 2 November 1850 to create the revolutionary committee of Mantua. Following the subsequent Austrian repression, some of these would be executed, and were among the Belfiore martyrs. Suzzara Verdi suffered imprisonment for a month. However, he was not investigated for participating in the conspiracy.
Pronounced "PAH-ree-deh", this is the Italian form of the name of both the Trojan prince who abducted Helen of Sparta and the Veronese count betrothed to the titular heroine of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.Though Paride is the Italian form of Paris, Italians use a different word for the capital city of France, namely "Parigi".
This name is spelled like parade. Parades are fun except the dancing part. Not really.

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