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This name should have an English pronunciation added.
I love the meaning! Sounds unisex.
Who thinks this is feminine? Also hideous Avram "Noam" Chomsky, who is super old. Reminds me of foam and chestnuts.
I like this better than Noah, it's not so common but still looks classy and sophisticated. I think this name suits both girls and boys.
I don't like Noah at all so this is a good alternative :)
I like this name for a boy. It's a nice alternative to the common Noah (although I like that name). It doesn't sound very feminine to me, though. I'd use Naomi or Noemi for a girl.
Considering that it is so similar in sound to Noah (which, by the way, is only for BOYS), I don't think this is for girls.
I love Chomsky, and I love the name Noam when pronounced as two syllables. (No big surprise that the person who left racist and classist comments all over this website hates Chomsky, btw.)
The association with Noam Chomsky is great, as he is a bit of a genius, everything the American leftists need to represent them.
The name Noam was given to 105 baby boys born in the US in 2012. It's a nice alternative to Noah, which is far too overused.
It's a nice name, and I don't mind the Chomsky association, but it sounds like 'gnome'.
This name does sound better than Noah, but it's unfortunately associated with the hideous Noam Chomsky.
A very nice name, I like it better than Noah. It sounds too similar to No'm to be used where I am though.
I really like this name. It sounds more polished than just Noah, and a little bit different without being too odd. I would certainly consider this as a name for a son if I had one.
The name sounds pleasant enough.
I like Noam. It's a very nice, strong name.
I saw this movie, it's a Jewish film, and the guy who seduces the main character is called AVINOAM, which in my opinion is much better than just NOAM.
Noam Chompsky pronounces his name like Gnome. I also have a friend who pronounces his name Noh-ahm.
Earthnut, I think you're wrong about that. I have always heard people referring to Chomsky as NOH-am, not GNOME.
The name is correctly pronounced as NOH-ahm. That is, if you call the normal Hebrew pronunciation correct. The GNOME one is an American mutation, probably.
Ditto Noa.

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