I love this name. This is one of the top contenders for my new name not only cos it's really pretty, but simple, but because there is little funnier than naming yourself "unfortunate" WHICH IS NOT TO SAY THIS IS A BAD NAME, who cares about the meaning, it's just a silly little thing.
It reminds me of mallard ducks and the word "malleable". Coupled with its "unfortunate" meaning, it doesn't make for a very good name, but it does have quite a sweet sound.
― Anonymous User 10/20/2024
I love the name Mallory. It was given to me after my mom's favorite character on a show. I used to hate it because I thought it was a prophecy for my life--but actually having a negative meaning to my name helped me realize how untrue that is, given everything I have gained and everyone I've been blessed to have or to have learned from in this lifetime.
I have this name. No one wants to be named "unfortunate". Don't think mom knew or understood the meaning but gave it to me because "it was popular on TV". Parents, PLEASE give thought to naming. I hate my name.
It’s only unfortunate that people hate Mallory. The meaning does irk me a bit, but it sounds beautiful. I’ve always liked this name’s sound. So, using it despite the meaning is worth it in my eyes. It sounds so peaceful, yet fierce. Not too common, either.
I love this name because it is my name. And what I like most about it, is mine is spelled differently than the traditional way. I spell my name as Malorey. But everyone either calls me Mal or Malanator. I also like that I am the only one in my school with this name. I know a lot of people think this name is bad or lame because of the meaning, but I don´t think so. I love my name. I think it´s unique. Plus I also really like it because it´s my best friend´s name. Except she does have hers spelled as Mallory. Anyways, just thought I would share that on here.
I think this name is quite nice. It’s quite popular for girls in the USA but pretty dated and already dying down. I haven’t heard of this name on any babies in quite a while, so it makes a good choice if you’re looking for something uncommon or not overly popular. The only downside is the meaning.
― Anonymous User 8/24/2021
I love this name, but bit unfortunate that it means unfortunate. Mal and Lory are cute nicknames.
I love it! My favorite nickname for Mallory is Mal :)
― Anonymous User 6/10/2021
I have this name and I get so many compliments. To be honest, why would anyone care about the name meaning of Mallory? That’s just so random. Makes more sense to look up meaning for a super common name. I think Mallory is the perfect balance of feminine and masculine leaning a little more feminine even though it has a background of being a boy name. It’s a cute name, in my opinion, and it’s not over the top unique or crazy like celebrity names. Also, it goes pretty well with a lot of middle names. Lastly, when I think of the name Mallory I don’t think of anything negative. It’s kind of a name that brings positive energy. That’s just my opinion. Also, I hope you have a really great day whoever is reading this.
― Anonymous User 2/14/2021
The name honestly sounds nice. But the meaning is yikes. But hey, not everybody cares about the meanings of names.
I love this name not only because it is my name but it is a very unique name and has some good and bad meanings to it. My friends at school call me Mal, Mal-Mal, and Malibu. When I found out the name meant the "unfortunate" one and "unhappy" it did not matter because of how beautiful I thought the name was anyway.
Mallory is a Norman name. No way any family would use a name that meant unfortunate or unlucky. Much more likely was wearer of chain mail as they would have come to England with William the Conquerer.
I’m in 7th grade and I’m the only one in my school with my name. My nickname at school is Mal, and for family and softball I’m Mal-Gal. I love my name since it’s so unique. I find it funny that the meaning is “unfortunate” but I enjoy having it as my name and I wouldn't have any other name.
I adore this name. I did some research. Mal in Hebrew means messenger. Mallory in German is Army Counselor. I find it odd that this is assumed to be a French name because their names generally have an -ie ending (Valerie from Valeria, Melanie from Melania, Stephanie/Stefanie from Stephania/Stefania). And if this word came from Malaria as it has stated it would be spelled Malarie in French.
This is a beautiful name I don't care what anyone else says... I was thinking about naming my daughter Mallory Allison Rose. My two favorite names and Rose is after my grandmother.
― Anonymous User 8/13/2020
It reminds me of my favorite Descendant!
― Anonymous User 6/25/2020
I really love this name. It’s one of my favorites! It’s easy to spell, pronounce, and remember. The meaning though...I really wish this meant something other than “unfortunate”.
My name is Malerie and I love it. It’s spelt like Valerie but with an M. I kinda wish it was spelt like Mallory because I wear a name tag and a lot of people ask me how I pronounce my name. But that’s okay. Was named after Family Ties as well. Lots of family and friends call me Mal or Mal Mal.
I was given the middle name Mallory over 70 years ago. At that time it was considered a boy’s name with the meaning War Counselor. I didn’t hear about the meaning being unlucky until recent years. It seems like the origin of the meaning changed when it became a popular girl’s name. I am female and guess what, my first name is Jinx. (Not a nick name). Please be careful what you name your child, it can be very painful.
― Anonymous User 12/3/2019
NASCAR driver Matt Kenseth and his wife named their fourth daughter Mallory Karen Kenseth!
― Anonymous User 10/23/2019
I honestly love my name. I have met one other person with this name and that was in preschool. The name Mallory also means "War Counselor" in German. I don't really care that it means unlucky. Who is going to look at the meaning of the name anyway? I've never had any trouble with people pronouncing my name and I live in the south. People know how to say my name and spell it (usually) but I don't have anybody else in my classes (or school!) with the same name. I know it's a bit biased, but I love it.
Mallory Pike is one of the junior officers in The Baby Sitters Club books by Ann M Martin.
― Anonymous User 3/19/2019
Mallory McMallard was the famous bearer of this name in the Mighty Ducks TV Show!
― Anonymous User 11/20/2018
I think Mallory is a beautiful, strong name (who cares what it means? The name grows to fit you, not the other way around) even if it is a little popular. I like it paired with Harper (Mallory Harper, Harper Mallory) and out of all the spellings I think Mallorie and Mallory are the prettiest.
― Anonymous User 9/4/2018
Why would someone want to name their kid a name that means "unfortunate"?
My last name is Mallory. If you look through my past it fits. I actually think there is a lot of meaning to names. My first name means Jehovah will increase and my middle name means beloved. As long as I can remember people have told me that I am such a nice guy but I have the worst luck. Lol so it makes sense huh. Lol.
― Anonymous User 3/2/2018
My name is Mallory, my mom liked the name because she read that it meant "strong". My life has been quite unfortunate up until 3 years ago. And it definitely has taken more STRENGTH than I thought I had! Growing up was like living in a battlefield- I can definitely resonate with the meaning "war counselor" as I have learned SO MUCH from my experiences and from seeking wisdom from God! As for "servant of the king", I became a LITERAL servant of the King of kings when I repented and believed in Jesus! That also makes me a "SAINT" (It's all written in the Bible!) So Mallory can most definitely be a saint's name! I do not believe that a name determines an individual's destiny but can possibly leave some kind of imprint on their life.
My name is Mallory and I absolutely love it. I've never had any negative comments about it, only positive ones. I work in customer service and get compliments on it all the time. It's not very common apparently. I live in the American South as well. I personally have more people pick on my middle name, a "normal" name, which is Paige. If you are considering this name for your child, I encourage it!
It actually come from "Mallaury" (who's actually the original one) because it's from "Malus Augurus" in Latin, which translates into Mauvaise augure in French (bad omen in English). From Malus came Mall and Augurus, with a change in handwriting, became Aury, Mallaury. In Celtic culture (or just the old ways, not sure about where it was), it was actually a boy's name. It "came back to life" during the 20th centuries. My knowledge of the name extends this far, but from where it comes, I can imagine that it might not have been an easy name to wear, and it's surely not a Saint's name.EDIT: Read some comment and realized "experts" (don't know them, don't know if they are), say it comes from a place name or old french. As I said, Latin isn't old french. It's a language born in Italia, in Latium. But the name was commonly used in French Britain and Great Britain. In my personal belief, it could come from "Malorie" or "Mallorie" or even "Mallory" but well, I still think that the best guess is the Latin origin.
Please don't name your daughter Mallory. Name her something normal, that other people are named, or something that's really really indisputably pretty. I had to deal with a lot of teasing and difficulty growing up because of my name. I live in the American South, where girls are named often Mackenzie and Sarah. Many substitute teachers throughout my schooling used my middle name without my permission because they didn't want to attempt the pronunciation. I was called "smellory" and "malaria" and lots of other unsavory names that really hurt when you're a kid (they're just weird now). My students at work typically can't pronounce it properly (they're very little). I hate my first name. The only decent nickname for it is Mal, which means bad in a few languages. Your kid is stuck with the name you give them for a large portion of their life. Please choose wisely.
― Anonymous User 11/20/2016
I really like this name and have only met one person my whole life with this name. I think it also lends itself to a lot of cute nicknames (Molly, Mally, Lory, Rory, Mora, Marlo). The meaning of the name is unfortunate (pun intended) but could be seen as ironic. A lot of name meanings are sort of foolish anyway. They're usually very obscure and I don't really know anyone who puts importance on the etymology of their name.
My name is Mallory. I personally love the name. I find it funny that it says my name means unlucky. I don't think I am unlucky at all! Also, I love how unique it is! I have only met one Mallory in my life, so I would say everyone with the name is pretty special. You may think that Mallory is a bad name but that is your opinion. In mine, it is an amazing name for boys and girls too!
My name is Mallory, and I love it. It's not so normal and overly feminine as names like Taylor, Jessica, Rachel, etc. I've only met one other person with my name and it was spelled differently, (Mallori). It flows nicely with my two middle names and sounds like the name of someone who is very eloquent and kind. Though it means unfortunate, I quite like it and wouldn't change it for the world.
― Anonymous User 3/15/2016
I love the name Mallory. I don't believe that it is "unfortunate". My daughter looks like a model and thus has been very fortunate. Men think she is gorgeous, kind and beautiful. She can be strongly opinionated! She is what you think of when you see a Femme Fatale! Fierce, strong and beautiful. She could run a country!
― Anonymous User 2/24/2016
This is my name and I DON'T think this name is hideous at all, and I am a very good person. I have had a lot of compliments in school about how they like my name. I am only twelve, and I agree that it wouldn't really fit for boys, but I love my unique name and I don't know anybody else who has my name and that is the main reason I like my name- it's special to me. I wouldn't change it for the world.
My name is Malorie and even though the definitions say bad things they are not true. I got my name from the show in the 80's called Family Ties. I love my name even though it is rare because it is what makes me unique. I would suggest naming your kid Malorie. There are many different ways to spell it but it is a great name. The name is not bad luck no matter what the internet or people say. I would not change my name for the world.
― Anonymous User 8/29/2015
My sister's name is Mallory. I just want to say... Mallory is not unlucky! My sister, Mallory is brave, kind, and my lucky charm. I feel the meaning of the name Mallory does not fit most of it's bearers. And, in German, Mallory means "War Counselor". So why all this controversy about the 'sad meaning'?
My name is Mallorie, and I love my name. The only problem I have with it is the meaning. I'm not unlucky. I one time asked my mom why she named me something that had a foul meaning and she said she didn't care about the meaning, she liked the name.
I'm proud to say you are not the only male named Mallory on the east coast Mr. Malice in fact there was another male named Mallory in my small town of Linden Nj. I asked my parents why I was named Mallory. I was told they were expecting a girl and hadn't picked any boy names. For some reason, they came up with Mallory cause my cousin's last name was Mallory (they're from Virginia) the only draw back I have with this is they didn't give me a middle name and when I'm asked what's my middle name, I always reply with a name like mine- who needs one?! :)
I am a male named Mallory. I am the only one I know of. I personally can tell you growing up as a boy with the name Mallory was very hard. I got a lot of crap for it. Even as I got older into my 20's, still I will find the occasional person who has something mean or dumb to say about it. Everything from "its a girls name", to more meaner stuff that I would rather not say. However, having the name Mallory and being a guy also worked out for me. As I got into my late teens, girls started to really like my name being different and all. Girls found it to be almost exotic. You never find a guy with this name. Now that I'm older I would have to say that I am proud of my name. To the point of even passing it along to my future son (if I have one). As for being a guy named Mallory, I have a name that can carry on its own. Only one guy Mallory on the East cost of the U.S.. maybe even the whole U.S. Soo many Toms and Mikes out there. Only one guy named Mallory. Well as far as I know. And as for the origins of the name, it has three. German: great soldier, war chancellor (which my name was picked from. German babynamebook) Scottish: Black dragon, demon, the devil. French: unlucky, misfortune, damned) and my nickname is Mal. Which is Latin for bad.
My name is Mallorie. I love my name. It's got a unique ring to it. I've only met a few other Mallory's. I like how my version is spelt and the fact that it is an uncommon name. My mom named me after the character from Family Ties. But I wouldn't and don't find the name at all disgusting sounding. :)
Why not name your child "Benlory"? At least, it would mean the opposite... I'm kidding of course.
― Anonymous User 1/29/2011
I love the name Mallory. Even though it begins with "mal" which means bad, and unfortunate, is the meaning really that important? I don't think it matters. It is such a cute, and pretty name. It's pretty unique too. I've only met about two Mallorys. Although it's more modern and not very classic traditional, I would definitely name my future daughter Mallory. I love it.
― Anonymous User 12/7/2010
It is unfortunate that this name means unfortunate. An ok name, though.
Ummm my name is Mallory, and I LOVE MY NAME. It is unique, classy, and will age with me, I believe. I think it is feminine but not cutesy-girly like names such as Tiffany or Brittany, and I am the only Mallory I know.I think, meaning aside, it is an excellent, unique name that deserves more mention.
Quinn Mallory was a scientist who discovered a wormhole between parallel universes on the great but unfortunately canceled sci-fi series "Sliders". He was played by the very handsome Jerry O'Connell.
Mallory is an anglicisation of an old Irish name. Mal means servant, one possible translation is mal o righ - servant of the king. There are other possible words, but mal is a very common beginning to Irish names, like Malcolm, servant of st Columba. Unfortunate is not a pleasant connotation for a name, if this were mine, I'd lay claim to the Irish association.
This name is very pretty and I don't think the meaning has any signifigance to a name what-so-ever. I think this is a fine name for a girl child. I wouldn't name my son this though. I can't find anything masculine about it what-so-ever. Nothing. Zip. Nada. None. So to me this is strictly a female name. So if you like it for a girl - or for a boy I guess - name her or him Mallory!
Mallory was the only 6th grader in the Babysitter's Club.
― Anonymous User 12/2/2007
My name is Mallory and I love my name. Whenever I tell anyone what my name means they're like, "Don't let it bring you down." Why would I let it bring me down? I love my name and I find the meaning intresting and fun. Oh, and also I found out that 'mal' in french means 'bad'.
― Anonymous User 11/17/2007
Some other spellings I've heard of include: Mallorey, Mallory, Malorie, Mallorie, Malloree, Malloriegh and Mallary. I have loved this name since I met the 1st little Mallory!
Mallory is such a cute name! I think Mallory and Mathilda or Mallory and Ramona would be cute for sisters. I don't know why: the names just seem to go well together!
I had a friend once, six years ago, named Mallory. I like the name. The name is really unisex for me, but if I really had to choose, I say it has just a hint more of masculine. By the way, Mallory was a girl.
― Anonymous User 8/19/2007
I really love this name, I just don't like the meaning.
Personally I know a Malorie, "unlucky" only describes the opposition she crushes. So guys be careful, she's a heartbreaker and business competitor, you'd better quit now while you still have a chance.
In the 80's, one of the daughters on the TV show Family Ties.
― Anonymous User 12/13/2005
This is the name of one half of the psychotic and murderous couple in the movie Natural Born Killers. The character Mallory Knox was played by Juliette Lewis.
― Anonymous User 11/6/2005
I always loved the name Mallory - ever since I was a little girl. I used to read the Babysitters Club Books and my favourity character was Mallory. When I was pregnant with my daughter I named her Mallory because I always thought it was such a beautiful name.... and she is so beautiful so it's only right that I give her a beautiful name! I feel so bad when I read all the negative meanings that surround her name because I had no idea, but I wouldn't change her name for the world because she puts all those negative meanings to shame! She's wonderful!
After considerable research, I am convinced that the "meaning" of "unfortunate" for this name is entirely in error and the victim of seriously sloppy syllabic interpretation. Mallory is indeed a French surname coming over to England with the Normans. Almost all Norman surnames were derived from a place name, and Mallory is no exception. There were at least two villages in France at that time called "Meillorie" (possible spelling). This village name is again derived from the linen breaking mills (meillories in French) that were located at these villages. Meillorie is from the ancient Latin root 'molere' (mele-), meaning to crush or grind with a turning motion, a mill. Simple deduction leads to the conclusion that, far from meaning 'unfortunate', Mallory means 'crusher'!
As I understand it, the reason experts on surnames believe that Mallory comes from the Old French word for "unlucky" is that all the earliest examples give the surname without any preposition. If it came from a place name, one would expect to find examples of persons with the name in medieval records where the name was given as "de Maloret". Plus all the early examples I've seen published do have a, not e, as the vowel in the first syllable. The oldest example, from Domesday Book in 1086, spells the name Maloret. So unless "biloxi" can find medieval references using "de" or with "e" in the first syllable, the expert opinion seems more likely to me.