Huh, couldn't have guessed it was French or Occitan. It's a very interesting and pretty name.
I love this name, it comes from Provence.
At first I thought it was Arabic or African. LOL XD.
I like this name but I think the little girl would be made fun of and her name would be pronounced as MOW-glee, but I like the name Magdalene with the nickname Maggie for a girl instead of Magali.
The name Magali was given to 79 baby girls born in the US in 2012.
My name is Magali and personally I love it. By reading the comments I found out that the daughter of the Prince Floris is named Magali. AND she's born on the day as me. What a coincidence!
According to a French wiki, this name is related to Magdalene and NOT Margaret. [noted -ed] The reason why is explained here, apparently the name is also unique to Provence.
I love this name, but it kind of reminds me of Mowgli.
There is a Brazilian comic book character named Magali (mah-gah-LEE).
I love this name, but prefer the pronunciation muh-GAH-lee. Anyway, there is something so beautifully exotic about this name, and I love it.
Magali Noel, Turkish-born actress (Rififi, Amarcord).
The first-born child of Prince Floris of the Netherlands and his wife, Aimée, is named Magali Margriet Eleonoor. Magali is in honour of Aimée's sister, Margriet is in honour of Prince Floris's mother and Eleonoor is for Aimée's mother.
I really love this very beautiful name. I like better the Spanish pronunciation: mah-GAH-lee.
The only good point of this name is, no one can say it right. Some people think it is like Maggie.
This is my aunt's name! It's not short for anything, it's just her name. She rocks and I love her name! My brother and I sometimes call her Maggie but I don't think any other people do.
Magaly is also a nickname for Margarita (I know 2 Margaritas nicknamed Magaly).
I have always loved this name, it has a fresh happy ring to it. It can also be spelt like this, Magalie.

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