This is even prettier than Maddalena. Madalena is so beautiful. I would happily use it. Nicknames could be Maddie, Madeline, Elena, or Lena. If Madalena doesn’t fit, there’s a billion nicknames.
Also used in Romansh:
Absolutely beautiful!
I am starting to fall in love with this name! When I am older I definitely want to name my child this. It’s so uncommon and beautiful! I pronounce it Mad-uh-lane-uh. I think Mad-uh-Len-a is so beautiful too though!
This name is beautiful, uncommon, and fresh. I love it! Don’t use Maddy as a nickname, because people will just assume your name is Madison instead of this breathtaking name. Use the name in full form, or use Lena, which is beautiful.
I named my daughter Madalena after my aunt. Typically the Italian version has two d's but my aunt's only had one. Although my aunt usually went by Madeline. It is a beautiful name.
This is my name, and I never knew it was Portuguese! I prefer it to Magdalena, although I do like similar names (like Madeleine).
So much fresher than Madeline! I like it!
Overused in Portugal these days.
Madalena Joao is a famous bearer.
I have a friend named Madalena. She is neither Portugese or from a Portugese family. Her name was chosen because her parents disagreed on whether it should be Madeline or Elena, and came to a compromise at Madalena. I also know somebody else named Madaleina, pronounced the same way.
A famous bearer is a Czech singer Madalena Joaová.
Portuguese: mu-du-LÉ-nu (é like in cliché, soirée, etc. NOT "ay").
[noted -ed]

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