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Laveran 1
Gender Masculine
Usage Brazilian

Meaning & History

Transferred use of the French surname Laveran.

This is the second name of Képler Laveran Lima Ferreira, commonly known as Pepe is a Portuguese professional footballer who plays for Spanish club Real Madrid and the Portuguese national team as a central defender.
Added 1/9/2017 by cutenose
Edited 1/9/2017 by cutenose

Laveran 2
not set
Gender Masculine
Usage French
Pronounced Pron. [ lavuh-rahn ]  [key·simplify]

Meaning & History

The surname Laveran probably became popular as a first name thanks to the French Nobel Prize in Medicine Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran. Laveran discovered that protozoan parasites were the causative agent of malaria.
Added 8/23/2023 by Aida98