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Kajal is also used as a masculine name in South Asian languages. However, it's more common for females. So, I think that the "Gender" of this name should be changed from "Feminine" to "Feminine & Masculine". [noted -ed]Sources:
I like the idea of twins/siblings Kajal and Keturah (kohl and incense). I recently listened to an audio of a native Hindi speaker saying Kajal. It sounds like cudgel except the vowel in the first syllable is like the a in father: KAH-jəl.
It's said like kah-Jh-'al with a heavy J and really does sound like cudgel. It can also be a word for soot or lampblack.
Means eyeliner in Swedish.
Sounds like "cudgel", a thick stick used to beat people over the head! If you like the meaning, which is "kohl", the black eyeliner Middle Eastern and Indian people use (and once used by the Ancient Egyptians to create that "Egyptian look"), then just name your baby, Kohl or Cole!Go to to see what Kajal really is -- check out those eyes!
I can't say I like it, both because of the meaning and because I don't like the sound of it.

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