This WOULD be a nice, strictly-feminine variant of Jessie (which by the way I did not know that Jessie was also a boy's name as a Jesse variant) but poor Jessi Slaughter ruined it...
Jessica Ho, better known by her stage name Jessi, is an Korean-American rapper, singer, and entertainer based in South Korea. She was born in New York, raised in New Jersey, and moved to South Korea at the age of 15.
Jessi Jae Joplin is an American singer, fashion blogger, model, journalist, and stylist. She is the lead vocalist and songwriter of pop-rock band The Ruckus, a Buzznet Buzzmaker, and founder of fashion blog/vintage store The Fabulous Stains.
This is my name (female). I personally love the spelling better than other forms. I've always felt it's kind of a tomboy girl name. It's always fit me perfectly. But I will say the downside is that people ALWAYS think it's short for Jessica and almost never spell it correctly when I give it for orders (doesn't bother me because I'm used to it, but might bother others).
I honestly like this spelling more than Jessie or Jessica. It's cute, short, sweet, and pretty.
I think this name is pretty. I've always loved it. I don't really think about it anymore, but I still like it a lot.
I like this spelling.
I like this spelling and the Jessie spelling.
I LOVE this name, honestly. It seems very down to earth. Slightly tomboy, yet cute and sassy ;)
I have a friend with the name Jessica; she hates it however and goes by Jessi or more frequently "Sharki."
Anyway, it's pretty enough, but the awful Jessi Slaughter ruined it for me.
Thanks to her, this name will always mean (to me, at least) scenewhore-chav-liar.
I don't like this name at all! I think it reminds me of a cowgirl name.
Even though this is a popular name, I only know one person named Jessi. She is funny, nice, tall, and she is pretty, just like her name.
This is better than Jessie. It looks more girly.
Jessi Colter is a country music singer and a composer. However, she's best known as the wife of Waylon Jennings and the mother of Shooter Jennings.

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