In the section "script" you place the Mŭš/𒈹 of 𒀭Ìŋąnną, as the way Akkadian written 𒀭Íšţąŕ
This particular symbol was only used by the Sumerians.
The Akkadian used this sign, 𒌋𒁯 for writing the name of the Akkadian Goddess Ištar. [noted -ed]
Possible meaning is “Star of life”. Or “Of Stars” or simply “Starry”. First part of the name may refer to the verb life or to live, or the “of” like “made of” second part is simply the word star.
Ishtar was identified with the planet Venus, that was in ancient times considered a star. The Greeks later adopted the Goddess Ishtar and worshipped her as Aphrodite, also here identified with the planet Venus.
Ishtar is the name of a song by the Spanish symphonic metal band Diabulus in Música, and I think the song was named after the deity.
Ishtar Alabina, a famous singer.
ISHTAR is also related to the main constellation of the maiden VIRGO, but also on the cusp with LIBRA. There is the Autumn Equinox. The archetypal story of her initiatory descent to and return from the Underworld may relate to Winter, then Spring renewal. It may also refer to the movement cycles of the planet Venus. As a goddess she is attributed with Love, Fertility, Healing (Virgo) and Justice/War (Libra). Related Cusp personalities often emphasize this spectrum of traits.The 7 gates of her journey relate to the 7 main chakras in certain paradigms... whether the versions heroize her or vilify her intentions. And the chakra map relates to the mystical kabbalah Tree of Life in Dr Carolyn Myss "Anatomy of the Spirit." The mythology has universal applications and implications in that sense.
Ishtar is a character from Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War.
Ishtar is the name of a 1987 movie starring Dustin Hoffman, also one of the biggest box office bombs in movie history, grossing only $14 million compared to the $55 million budget.
I like this name. It's very beautiful. This name is a little "out there", but that's another reason why I like it.
The Japanese manga Red River/Antolia Story features a character called Ishtar by her people.
The Goddess Ishtar has been featured in many fantasy works, perhaps because of her rather alluring name. In comics Ishtar is the only prominent Goddess in Robert E. Howard's "Conan" and is the "Dancing Girl" in Neil Gaiman's Sandman. She is the Goddess of Magic in the God Storm edition of Risk.
Despite what a previous comment said, the name Ishtar is of Babylonian/Assyrian origin, it has not any Egyptian origin at all, although the idea of having a goddess of fertility did spread throughout surrounding countries in time.The reason so many metal-bands have taken to the name Ishtar is probably because the goddess was transformed into a demon in the Old Testament. The political reasons for this might be debated, but Ishtar is not a demon at all but a godess worshipped by the Assyrians in the same way as Aphrodite was worshipped by the Greeks. There is nothing demonic about the nature of Ishtar, despite what the Old Testament says.Thus, a lot of Assyrians still name their daughters Ishtar, with the thought of the name's characteristics being powerful yet loving. The "demonization" of it is something that isn't recognized in the Middle East today at all, it is something purely Western and it is quite frankly really sad that the vast majority of the world doesn't come in contact with this lovely name in any other way than through violent video games (e.g. "Ashtaroth") or hardcore music. Especially considering it's history of being one of the most important gods to the world's first civilization.
As much as I love the way this name sounds, I think it comes off as being a bit trashy. That said, I've never met anyone with this name.
This name is pronounced easter, Ishtar is a poor transcription of Babylonion phonology.
In a book by Merlin Stone called 'When God Was A Woman', Ishtar was mentioned along with Arinna, Isis & Queen Nana who were Goddesses (among others), who were known as 'Lady of the...' and Goddess of...' 'Queens of...' and known as Her (with a capital H, like the contemporary known for God is He - the male deities). The Goddesses were known from the female religion, probably more associated now with a more pagan sway of idoltry. The book tells in great detail about excavational findings, scholars, and the Judeo-Christian and Islamic teachings of the male deities, how it became and what became of the female role (so as we know it today).Female deities were worshipped - so therefore around - thousands and thousands of years before the monotheistic religions of today. It is told as a practise that crosses continents as well. I do think it has a powerful sound to it, and I quite like it. Although I don't think I would use it.
Ishtar is originating from Egypt.
Ishtar is the vocalist from the group Alabina. Incidentally Gates of Ishtar is a heavy metal band.
Ishtar is also the name of the main character in the manga Vampire Game.
The name Ishtar is also used in the anime called "Yu-Gi-Oh" by Ishizu and Marik Ishtar.

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