Ib is a 2012 freeware psychological horror video game published and developed by kouri for Microsoft Windows. Players control the titular character from a top-down perspective trapped in an eldritch art museum, later revealed to be titled the "Fabricated World', where they meet the characters Garry and Mary.The girl in the game is called ibu (EE-boo) イブ in Japanese, but it can be said as Eve or Ib in English.
In Danish Ib can be an independent name from Jakob, but with the same etymology. It was born in medieval times. For me it's too short; I prefer the danish diminutive Jeppe used for Jakob.
I have also heard of Ib being used as a nickname for Isabel.
I believe 'Ib' was one of the parts of the soul in ancient Egyptian belief.
Ib? Too short to be a given name. It's also a little ugly-sounding.
Interesting. Very interesting.

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