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Also Albanian:
Also Romansh:
Super cool name! My first thought is Elvira Mistress of the Dark, which is probably why I like it.
Extremely beautiful name! Absolutely beautiful.
Also Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and Finnish: Romanian:
This name is wonderful. I like the meaning and how it looks when it's written.
It's very gnarly in a beautiful way. I only pronounce it as "el-VIE-ruh" because it sounds best that way.
Also Provençal: --- Source: Institut d'Estudis Occitans
Elvira is also Croatian, Hungarian, and Swedish. The name day for Elvira in Croatia is July 16. The name day for Elvira in Hungary is February 10. The name day for Elvira in Sweden is March 1.
It’s pretty and elegant. I love it and it sounds gothic.
Also Hungarian: [noted -ed]
Also Slovene:
Also Estonian:
Elvira, Elvira, my heart's on fire, Elvira.
(It's a song)
Elvira Notari (10 February 1875 in Salerno – 17 December 1946 in Cava de' Tirreni), Italy's earliest and most prolific female filmmaker, made over sixty feature films and about a hundred shorts and documentaries. She is credited as the first woman film director whom directed more than sixty feature films and about 100 documentaries, quite often writing the subjects and screenplays, inspired by Naples. The Elvira Notari Prize is named after her.
Elvira Casazza (15 November 1887 – 24 January 1965) was an Italian mezzo-soprano opera singer (also known as Elvira Mari-Casazza). One of Toscanini's favourite singers, she was considered an outstanding interpreter of Mistress Quickly in Verdi's Falstaff during the 1920s and created several roles in Italian operas of the early 20th century.
Also Catalan:
Unique and gorgeous name. Sounds very otherworldly.
I love love Elvira! I also love Elwira, our Polish form of this name. Elvira is sophisticated and strong, smart and elegant, a bit magical, mysterious and fairy-like, and, to me, very very unique and rare. And it has a slightly Gothic, enigmatic feel to it. I much prefer it pronounced as el-VEE-rah than el-VI-rah, el-VIE-rah or however else people may pronounce it across the world.
Maia Hirasawa is a Swedish-Japanese singer, she was also a part of Annika Norlin's music project called Hello Saferide. Maia's middle name is Elvira.
Elvira Nikolaisen is a norwegian singer.
Elvira is also very occasionally used in Poland. The more common form is Elwira, however neither of them is particularly popular. It is always pronounced el-VEE-rah here.
I went to school with a girl called Elvira. Her twin sister's name was Jimena.
Used by actress Cassandra Peterson (b. 1951) for her persona, Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, a campy, "gothic" character.
Elira is a diminutive of Elvira. There is an Albanian name Elira meaning to be free, so with all the different meanings of Elvira/Alvira the name and it’s diminutive means strong, white, truthful, beautiful and free. I prefer the diminutive Elira.
Hungarian pronunciation: EL-vi-raw.
I definitely think the EL-VEER-UH pronunciation is much prettier than EL-VY-RUH. With the former it sounds sweet and soft, while the latter sounds harsh and rather unpleasant, though this is simply my interpretation and I mean no offense to anyone with this name! Both are very unique, and I'm sure there are others that prefer the other pronunciation!
The name Elvira was given to 50 girls born in the US in 2015.
This isn't a real Spanish name! It sounds like a 19th century American invention. I've only ever heard of old Southern women with this name.
The name Ilvy is a short form of Elvira and used in the Netherlands.
Elvira is also used in Hungary.
My grandmother's name was Elvira and I bring it (it's my third name) proudly even if it is so rare and uncommon. I love it's sound- so strong and strange.
Simply beautiful! Positively gorgeous! It almost sounds fairylike. I first encountered it a few years ago while reading books by Elvira Woodruff, and not long after I had a classmate with this name. And the pronunciation makes little difference to me: Elveera or El-vi-ra, it sounds equally lovely.
Huh. I would assume this would be pronounced "El-viy-ra", not "El-bee-ra", as the site says. I doubt that anyone would pronounce it "El-bee-ra" without being told to do so. My impression of this name is that it is very odd, yet looking at it still appears old fashioned. I rarely ever hate a name but I think I hate this one.
I love this name when pronounced el-VY-rah. Although it does kind of remind me of the mean redhead cartoon character, but I can easily look past it. It has a gothic ring to it but it's quite pretty.
Makes me think of elves. I dislike it.
When pronounced el-BEE-rah, this name has an exotic beauty. When pronounced el-VEE-rah or el-VIE-rah, it sounds gothic and gorgeous. Either way, it is a beautiful name, from the way it look to the way its pronounced.
Elvira Duck (aka Grandma Duck) is the paternal grandmother of Donald and Della Duck, maternal grandmother to Gladstone Gander, great-grandmother to Huey, Dewey, and Louie Duck, mother to Quackmore Duck, and mother-in-law to Hortense McDuck (Scrooge's sister). She is one of the first and oldest residents of Duckburg, and the oldest living member of the Duck/McDuck family.
AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL my least favorite name of all time. I remember in 4th grade music class we had to play this annoying song with the same name. Horrid.
Also used in Portuguese, and pronounced el-VEE-ra.
Elvira is a female given name. It is of Spanish origin, originally believed to be of Arabic origin, meaning "the white". Other theories is that it is of Germanic or West Gothic origin and that the name means "alert" or "trustworthy".
I really really like this name. It's so serious.
I think there is a song with the lyrics, "My heart is on fire, for Elvira."
For the record, the song Brianna Angela is thinking of is, conveniently, "Elvira", by the Oak Ridge Boys. If you've ever heard it, you know it's not the least bit gothic.
Also a feminine name in Slovenia.
Elvir is also a masculine name in Slovenia.
Elvira is the name of the first wife of Charles Condomine, the protagonist of the play Blithe Spirit by Noel Coward. After she is summoned during a seance, Elvira begins to haunt her husband, disrupting his second marriage and making several attempts on his life.
Elvira Popescu was a Romanian-born French stage and movie actress and theatre director.
The most common accepted pronunciation in America is el-VY-ra, with a long "i" sound.
I think this is a wondrously beautiful name. I like it pronounced with a "v" sound rather than a "b" sound, even though it is Spanish and that is how you pronounce "v". Very lovely, ethereal, dark, Gothic.
Elvira´s pet forms are Elli, Ela, Elva, Elke, Elvusha, Vir(k)a, Elvie.
It is also possible that it is from the Old English Aelf-gifa, common royal name for women, meaning 'Gift of the Elves' or 'Magically Gifted'.
Elvira means "the elevated one" from Spanish "elevada" or it can mean "the protected one" from Germanic "alvar".
It is pronounced "el-VEE-rah". English speakers may pronounce it differently though.
Elvira is one of the lovers of Don Juan.
I hate this name! It's so, blah! It does sound good pronounced elveera though.
Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, is a T.V. personality played by Cassandra Peterson.
This is one of my favorite names ever! I like it 'cause it has a cool ring to it, very pretty.
A famous bearer was Elvira Madigan (born Hedvig Jensen).
I like Elvira pronounced EL-VEER-UH not EL-VY-RUH.
I love this name because it sounds very gothic and scary to me. I also love this name because I am VERY unique.

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