Oh dear... Oh dear... Why did they have to ruin the name of Collin. At least the silver lining is that it can also be gender-neutral.According to the USA Social Security Administration, 17 boys and 13 girls were recorded with the name Collyn in 1994.
How is this a diminutive of Nicholas for boys? I look at the "Diminutives" part of Nicholas' page.
The pronunciation is Col-lyn the is no kah in there.
Oh dear- just why? Colleen is already pretty, but someone had to make a terrible spelling out of it. It looks like it should be pronounced "Colin".
It looks like it should be pronounced Colin.
Also variant of Collin or Colin.
Collyn looks more like a feminine form of Collin to me - a rather ugly one. I don't like it.
I am female and my name is Collyn. It is NOT pronounced KAHL-leen! Nor is it pronounced KOHL-lin. It is KAHL-lin or KAHL-lyn (just like it is spelled). I was named after my mother's friend, who has the same spelling and pronunciation.
I agree, I would never think to pronounce this name like Colleen, but rather "KAHL-in" like Colin. You wouldn't pronounce Carolyn, Jocelyn, Evelyn or Marilyn with long "eee" sounds, would you?
The way it's spelled, it looks to me more like it ought to be a spelling variant of Colin.

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