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Charlotta Bass (1874 – 1969) was an American educator, newspaper publisher and editor, and civil rights activist. She also focused on various other issues such as housing rights, voting rights, and labor rights, as well as police brutality and harassment. Bass is believed to be the first African-American woman to own and operate a newspaper in the United States; she published the California Eagle from 1912 until 1951. In 1952, Bass became the first African-American woman nominated for Vice President, as a candidate of the Progressive Party. She was the first African American woman to be a jury member in the Los Angeles County Court.
Another nickname is Harley.
Usage: Swedish, English, GermanPronounced: sha-LUWT-ta (Swedish), shahr-LAHT-ə (English)
Also Icelandic.
Pronounced shah-LOT-ah in Swedish.
Much cooler than Charlotte.
It´s also the Czech and Slovak form.
Nicknames: Charla, Charlin, Lotta, Lotty, Lotka.
Name Day: 27th October (in the Czechia).
Charlotta is a gorgeous, classy, and strong name possessing rich history. I'm pleased to find it listed here.
I think it is unprecise to call the name Scandinavian. It would be better to narrow it down and call it Swedish. In Denmark Charlotte is used. [noted -ed]
Lotta is the common pet name in Sweden.
Charlotta Swanson was the name of my great, great grandmother, who was born in Sweden. I think this name is very elegant sounding! I like it very much, and might use it if I ever have a daughter.

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