I think this name can also be a truncated style of Gabriella in the style of Brianna. Very pretty and cute!
A friend named their daughter Briella. I love hearing the dad say her name because he says it with such pride. I think it sounds like a light, airy, modern and fresh name. I don’t think it sounds childish at all. I think as an adult she could go by the name Bri, Ell, or Ella. It is a versatile name.
I never really liked the name Gabriella - but then I realized something. It was because of the 'Ga' part. This name deletes the problem! If you use it as a legal name, people will always think it's short for Gabriella. That's the only down side. It's quite pretty! I love this name.
Kind of basic, it just screams childish to me. Honestly, kind of gross.
I love this name it's really pretty. It's one of my B names.
Being a Gabriella, I love the name Briella! I think if you want to name your child Briella, just use Briella because if you name your child Gabriella and plan to nickname her Briella, she will still end up being called Gabby, which I hate too. Briella is beautiful as a full name. If you like it, use it!
Personally, I love this name but it sometimes gets mixed up with Brielle. Briella just reminds me of a beautiful autumn day in a flower patch. As I disagree with saying it should be a middle name or something along those lines. The name Briella holds a place in my heart since it belongs to someone very dear to me.
I think any name that has ella in it is childish.
I think this name would be good middle name. It doesn't appeal to me as a first name.
Finally this was added as a name to the site!Despite my name tastes being rather "fancy traditional," I still love the "modern" name Briella - much more than the name it's derived from: Gabriella. The main reason being that Briella avoids the nickname Gabby, which is, honestly, an epithet.
Makes me think of brie cheese.
I second the "brie cheese" comment. Also, this doesn't sound like a real, full first name to me - more like either a nickname for Gabriella, or like somebody was trying to make up a name that was "like Bella but different."
Beautiful, beautiful name! A good first name too! But I would probably name my kid Gabriella and have this as a nickname, since that is where this name came from. But I like it either way!

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