This name can also be a Feminine name in modern times, making this name Unisex. It's also of Filipino usage. to the USA Social Security Administration, 61 girls and 27 boys were recorded with the name Aries in 1997. the way, the tropical zodiac dates of Aries ranges from March 21st to April 19th.
The silly part isn’t cultures that take astrology seriously, it’s pushing those beliefs onto other people. Especially to the point they just assume you act a certain way or think a certain way despite all evidence to the contrary, or when people avoid befriending or dating others completely based on SIGNS! I’m tired of people finding out my sign and treating it as fact and then getting shocked when I’m NOTHING like that. Nothing on my entire chart is accurate, and people are so obsessed with it being real that they’ll find any excuse of how I must be getting something wrong. No, it’s just that the time I was born has no impact on my adult personality.
I would like to say here that it is not "silly" to take astrology seriously. In many cultures there is serious meaning behind it, and to call it nonsense is intensely disrespectful. I don't feel bad for anyone named Aries or Gemini or Libra -- they are all pretty names and represent their signs well.
Meh, I don't like it, it rather sounds stuck up and nonsensical.
If we have an Aries baby, this would be wonderful!
Aries is a nice zodiac that may also sound good as a human name too.
The zodiac names Aries, Leo and Gemini are lovely.
Striking name for a man or woman.
Super handsome name for a boy.
Earth to namers: not all people who name their babies take their meanings for granted. For example, why do people name their child Cameron even though it means "crooked nose"?As for Aries itself, it's a very powerful and dignified name. People who name their child this are not astrology nuts; they name their child because they like the name!
The name Aries was given to 153 boys born in the US in 2015.
I personally love the name Aries. Like others have commented, it sounds more feminine to me. Although I think it could work for a guy too. The zodiac does interest me a lot but personally I think Aries would be a really cute name just because of how it sounds to me. It sounds really light and airy, delicate as well.
Aries Merritt, American track and field athlete. Winner of the gold medal in the 110 meter hurdles at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London.
Using this name may make it appear to others that you take astrology seriously, which is silly.
My zodiac sign, although I'm nothing like an Aries. I think it would make a good alternative if you like "Ari," which is very popular.
Aries Spears is an actor on Mad TV and I think he is a comedian as well.
I agree. It sounds so female! I would consider it a female name!
Aries may well be a masculine name, but we have a beautiful female granddaughter named after the zodiac sign she was born under. Aries actually SOUNDS more female than male. We rarely have anyone ask why she's been given a male name.
Personally, I've always liked the name "Aries." They say that usually people with the sign Aries sign are arrogant and stubborn.

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