It's cute, but it seems a little childish. I still really like it!
Anastasie is a gorgeous name! It's a lovely twist on Anastasia. This name makes me think of stars and the galaxy.
Also used in Romanian as a masculine name. [noted -ed]
Also Czech: --- includes stats for Anastasie
A beautiful name. I wouldn't choose it for my daughter, but I still love it!
I prefer this name to Anastasia. It has that extra beauty and appeal Anastasia doesn't, plus I am not big on 'ia' names.
This is such a pretty name!
This is one of the most beautiful French names I've come across. A lot of lesser-used French names are lovely. It's sad that many English-speakers don't know many of the rarer names.
Very old-fashioned.
Anastasie is the name of one of General the Marquis de Lafayette's daughters. Lafayette was a French General who helped America win independence in the Revolutionary War, as well as being an important figure in the French Revolution.
Anastasie is also Czech form.
Pronounced "ah-nah-stah-zi:ye".
Daniel Landa and Mirjam Müller have a daughter Anastasie Landová (1998).
This is a very beautiful and unique name.

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