Found out today this is the name of a Grateful Dead song! Might have to have a grandkid with this name 😝.
I feel the whispers of the wind as I write this... marvelous. Althea carries the timeless wisdom of ancient remedies in her nurturing hands, embodying a sense of restoration and renewal, evoking visions of profuse meadows. A balm for the weary soul, she is, a soft, lilting lullaby. Her tender fingers weave strands of hope and comfort, casting aside pain and affliction. She is a testament to the infinite capacity of the human spirit to overcome adversity, resonating with the countless healers who have roamed the earth... in Althea's gentle cadence, there is a brighter tomorrow. I can feel it!
Very popular in the Philippines.
Ethereal and elegant!
I love this name. Distinctive without being too out there.
Very elegant name!
This is a beautiful name. I saw it in a book with Althy for short. The character appeared to be named after hibiscus flowers, which were called altheas. But mostly I think of Althea from In the Heat of the Night.
Elegant name!
I have always loved this name! When I was 5 I really wanted my name to be Althea. Like I would go around asking people to call me Althea! I used to sign everything I'd written or drawn as Althea for 2 years, or sometimes just Thea. Nowadays it still seems like my name, and when I see it I think "oh hey, that's me!" I love how rare it is, and I especially love how it's from Greek mythology, and I just think it sounds and looks so beautiful. I was strongly considering legally adding it as a middle name but it feels more special having it as my "imaginary" name!
A sad meaning. I wouldn’t use this name.
My mother watched the soap opera, The Doctors, when I was growing up and one of the characters was a doctor named Dr. Althea Davis. The name or character must have made an impression on me for me to remember it all these years.
So astoundingly beautiful. I am at a loss of words for describing how lovely I think this name is. β™₯.
Hate it.
Absolutely beautiful and one of my favorite names. It's classic, unique, elegant, and it ages well. I would definitely consider using it someday in the future. Truly an underrated gem!
It's kind of pretty, but sounds like an old lady name to me. It might be better suited for a classy-looking dog, like an Afghan Hound.
My legal name is Althea, but I have always gone by Tia as a nickname although I am now 29. As a child, I hated the name Althea. Now I don’t hate it, but I never use it since even my parents call me Tia. From personal experience, a couple things about this name:- no one knows how to pronounce it. I know it seems straightforward, but it is constantly butchered.
- every dead head will ask about your name and assume your parents are hippies. My mom swears that it had nothing to do with my name, but who knows.
- it is unique, but your kids will probably hate it. I hated it. I think ATHEA, or ALITHIA would be better. The emphasis on the AL drives me crazy.
In 2018, 54 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Althea who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 1973rd most common female first name for living U.S. citizens.
Very pretty indeed.
I think this is an excellent name. It's feminine without being prissy or frilly, and it's unusual enough that a child born in 2018 would likely be the only Althea in her school, let alone her class.
Sounds very powerful and it isn't overused. I love the meaning as well! I prefer the pronouciation al-thay-a to al-thee-a.
Aly or Thea for short?
The name Althea was given to 129 girls born in the US in 2015.
I really like the uniqueness of the name. It sounds wonderful pronounced as al-thee-a and as al-tay-a.
The Althea from the Grateful Dead song, Althea Gibson, and Althea Tibbs are all pronounced al-THEE-ah.
Althea Vestrit, central character in The Liveship Traders Trilogy by Robin Hobb.
Despite being a wholly female name, I know a man with this name, who was born in the 1950s. Not so surprisingly, he goes by the nickname Al.
The name Althea was given to 72 baby girls born in the US in 2012. It's an absolutely beautiful name when pronounced all-TAY-a :)
The Grateful Dead have a well-known song called Althea. Many Dead fans believe the song makes reference to both the mother of Meleager and Leda (Helen of Troy's mother) in Greek Mythology and a poem by Richard Lovelace, "To Althea, From Prison" in the 1600s.
Althea Crome is the woman who created some of the clothes for the movie Coraline. She hand knits clothes on a very, VERY small scale.
I have a friend named Althea, except she pronounces it like Aaliyah. It's weird, but I think it's pretty.
Ross and Monica's nana was named Althea in FRIENDS.
Pronounced "Ahl-te-ah".
A very pretty name, in my opinion. Old-fashioned and elegant, too. The nickname 'Thea' is nice as well.
It's pronounced Al-thee-a or Ol-thee-a.
I've heard people with this name just called Thea for short.
This name comes from the Greek for truth.
I believe you're confusing this name with Alethea. Althea does not come actually from the Greek word for truth, but Alethea does.
It has a pretty sound. Ali could be a possible nickname.
It is interesting how Althea has a "healing" meaning and it has all the same letters as health. I wonder if health stems from althea in any way.
Althea was the name of Larry Flynt's deceased wife.
Althea, from Greek Ἀλθεία, was Meleager's mother's name and is also the Latin scientific name of the marshmallow plant, Althaea officinalis. In ancient Greek, ἀλθεία could also designate the mallow (Malva). The name comes from the root ἀλθαι-, "heal", which gave the verb ἀλθαίνω. Ἀλθαία merely means "healing substance", which refers to the way this medical plant was used during Antiquity.Source: Dictionnaire Γ©tymologique de la langue grecque by Pierre Chantraine.
Althea Gibson was a famous tennis player.
In the T.V. show "In the Heat of the Night," Anne-Marie Johnson played Althea Tibbs, the wife of the Chief of Detectives, Virgil Tibbs.

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