Canis Majoris bore the traditional name Adhara (sometimes spelled Adara, Adard, Udara or Udra), derived from the Arabic word عذارى 'aðāra', "virgins".©.
Adhara /əˈdɛərə/ [noted -ed]
Nice name. Interesting indeed.
This name is such a gorgeous yet rare one. Addie, Ada, and Dara are three nicknames you could give this one!
The star Adhara in the constellation Canis Major (The Greater Dog) is a binary star system, and appears blue.
A very interesting name and it is lovely that it comes from astronomy. I think it would be perfect for a little girl, especially with the nickname Ada.
What a beautiful astrological name; I loved it instantly upon seeing it.
This name is weird for a person because the meaning is plural.
That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.
Pronounced ahd-HAHR-ah, or ad-AHR-uh.
Pronounced AD-(h)ar-uh.
Wow, this name is beautiful! I've only just discovered it, but it's breathtaking. It's elegant and sophisticated, without sounding "elitist", if you catch my drift.
What a beautiful name! Adhara Epsilon. It shimmers with celestial ideas. Pronounced Ah-DAR-ah perhaps?
It is interesting to note that the star Adhara, though second brightest to Sirius in the constellation Canis Major, bears the epsilon, not the beta symbol.
Ad-HAIR-a, ad-HAR-a, or ad-AIR-a?
Beautiful name. Can be shortened to Adi. This is the name of a character in my story, her parents are astronomers (see the connection?). She has a brother called Sirius, who her parents like better (again, connection!). The name is lovely.

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