Adelia, o La figlia dell'arciere (Adelia, or The Archer's Daughter) is an opera in three acts by Gaetano Donizetti. The Italian libretto was written partly by Felice Romani (acts 1 and 2) and by Girolamo Maria Marini (act 3), a part-time poet who had achieved notability the previous year with Otto Nicolai's Il templario. The opera premiered at the Teatro Apollo, Rome on 11 February 1841.
Adelia Marra is an Italian speed skater. She competed in two events at the 2006 Winter Olympics.
Adelia Sarah Gates (1825 - 1912) was an American illustrator of botanical specimens. After several years working as an elementary schoolteacher and amateur decorative painter and watercolorist, she began to expand into scientific illustration, especially of plants and flowers. She traveled, collecting and documenting specimens from her expeditions later in her life.After her death, over 600 of her works were exhibited and donated to the United States National Museum, which later became the Smithsonian Institution.
Adelia Silva (1925 – 2004) was a Uruguayan educator, writer and social activist. She became the first Afro-Uruguayan to earn a teaching degree. She taught in rural schools, weathering racial and sexist discrimination. She moved to Montevideo in 1956, but was transferred numerous times as a result of racial discrimination, ultimately returning home to Artigas. She filed a complaint with the National Council of Primary Education, which led to widespread media coverage of her treatment, heightening awareness of the racial and gender divides in Uruguayan society.
Adelia Cleopatra Graves (pen name: Aunt Alice; 1821 - 1895) was an American educator, author, and poet. At one time serving as Professor of Latin and Belles-lettres at Mary Sharp College, she went on to occupy the position of Matron and Professor of Rhetoric in the college.
Mary Adelia McLeod (1938 – 2022) was an American bishop. She was the first woman diocesan bishop in the Episcopal Church. She was elected bishop of the Diocese of Vermont on June 5, 1993, at a special convention held at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Burlington. Clergy and lay delegates selected her from among five nominees.
I would consider this name a softer, and more traditionally girly alternative to the more severe Cordelia. An Adelia I imagine to be very shy, gentile and sweet as a child, and making crowns of flowers in her family garden, all the while looking for fairies between the blossoms. I think it could be a nice honoring name for a Delia if you wanted to spice things up a bit. It is also my favorite of the Adel- names in general though I am not opposed to any of them outright. If you are thinking of using it I think it is a lovely choice.
I rate Adelia 7/10.
I can see its appeal but it is not enough to be added to my list.I much prefer Ada, Adela and Odilia.
I don't like it at all.
Also Sicilian:
I am Armenian and I named my daughter Adelia. She is a very beautiful girl - she was born on March 31, 2020.
In 2018, 2 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Adelia who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 5050th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens.
My name is Adelia, pronounced Uh-Del-Ee-Uh, and I absolutely love my name!
For the first time reading my name, people often call me Uh-DEEL-Ya or A-DAY-La. But once I tell them how I really pronounce it, they get it! Many, many, people have told me how beautiful my name is and that Adelia is rare without sounding too unique.
PARENTS - Don't be afraid of naming your child something different! Many less common names are gorgeous too, and this name is a great example! :-)
The name Adelia was given to 83 girls born in the US in 2015.
The name Adelia was given to 84 baby girls born in the US in 2012.
The French form is Adélie and is also a species of penguin.
Pronounced Ah-deh-lyah in Spanish. If no accent mark is present, vowels are combined. The name would be pronounced Ah-deh-lee-ah if it were written Adelía.
I'm afraid this name could lead to some stupid ''a-DEAL-yah!'' jokes, but it sounds quite pretty.
This is actually a German name, but also used in Spanish, and English.
Adelia is also used in Spanish and is pronounced Ah-deh-lee-ah.
Adelia means "noble" and is of German origin.
Also used in German, Spanish and Portuguese.
This name is so pretty and elegant!
Adelia is a plant genus of the family Euphorbiaceae (Spurge Family).
This is a family name for us, and we always pronounce it "uh-DEEL-ya." Essentially, Delia with an a on the front. It's a lovely name, though, however it is pronounced.
This is a beautiful name.
I have a cousin named Adelia, but her name is pronounced: Uh-DEEL-ee-uh, with the emphasis on the second syllable, with a long E sound.

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