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What did your name rank in popularity?
What number did you name rank in your birth year?Mine ranked 143 and I was surprised of how high that was.If you don't know how to find the rank of your name in your birth year, type in your name in one of the search bars. On the right side of your name information will be a few links: one of them will say "Popularity". Click it to see. If your exact year isn't on there you can go to:{Scroll down to see a box where you can type in the year of your birth.)Sincerely,
Sulna(not my real name)
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What did your name rank in popularity?  ·  Glass Onion  ·  7/8/2007, 9:53 PM
Re: What did your name rank in popularity?  ·  FunkyFresh15  ·  7/13/2007, 8:41 PM
Yes it does, and using multiple names is against the rules nt  ·  Chrisell  ·  7/16/2007, 12:47 AM
Wrong board...  ·  Eliora  ·  7/9/2007, 8:13 PM
Re: What did your name rank in popularity?  ·  Milly  ·  7/9/2007, 12:08 PM
Re: What did your name rank in popularity?  ·  Kate  ·  7/9/2007, 11:20 AM