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RE: African, Sanskrit, & Arabic names
Thank you so much precious for your help. If I was in your presence, you'd get a huge hug and a kiss from me. But we don't want to make anyone jealous, so I'll behave. :)I'm going to look for some Arabic names now with the same 'warrior' meanings.>I'm assuming that you're looking for boys' names, and not girls' >names?Yes, the name is for 'a boy'..but not just any boy..It's for a man. ME!! I'm giving serious thought to changing my name. I think a name should reprsent what and who you are and what you want to represent. So, if it comes to be [the name change], I'll let you know what I've chosen. And since I'm in the acting profession, you just might hear of me...and you'll probably say "Hey!! I helped him find his name..."Peace n' Luv
DreYou must get asked this ALLLL the time, but what does your name mean? And how do you pronunce it? It sounds beautiful
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Yes, definitely, one's name should represent one's very essence. A name should be a person's most beautiful adornment -- and, in an ideal world, perhaps one's only adornment. How much more interesting this world would be, if people went around wearing only their name and a smile? :)I found some intersting Arabic names for you to consider. Not all of them are warrior names. Seeing as how you're in the acting profession, I thought you might also want to consider names suggestive of creativity:Akil (ah-KEEL) intelligent, thoughtful
Azhar (ah-ZAHR) the Most Shining or Luminous
Bahir (bah-HEER) dazzling, brilliant
Ghazi (GAH-zee) conqueror
Hakeem (hah-KEEM) ruler
Kadar (KAH-dar) powerful
Kaliq (KAHL-eek) creative
Mahir (mah-HEER) skilled
Malik (mah-LEEK) master, angel, king
Numair (noo-MIR) panther
Qudamah (koo-dah-MAH) courage
Zafir (ZAH-feer) victoriousAs for my own name, thank you for your compliment. My mother always pronounced it "nah-NEE-ah", but I somehow suspect that P.L. is going to tell me that it really should be pronounced "nah-NAY-ah". :) Whatever the case, I call myself simply "Nan" most of the time, to avoid having to 'splain things (except here, where people take a genuine interest in names). I'm named after a Persian goddess.-- Nanaea
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...actually I would pronounce it "Nah-NE-ah" (with the NE as in "nest"), and rhymes with Nemea where my favourite wine is
produced. I will scour the Greek bibliography to see if Nanaea was a Hellenized version the the Goddess
in question (the name itself has a 100% Hellenic structure).
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