Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Shasta f English (Modern, Rare), Literature20th-century adoption of the name of Mount Shasta in Northern California (or the Shasta daisy, named after the mountain), which comes from the name of a Native American tribe that lived in the area; its origin and meaning is lost to time.... [
Shaughnessy f & m English (Rare)Transferred use of the surname
Shaughnessy. The name Shaughnessy was given to 5 girls born in the United States in 2000, according to the U.S. Social Security Administration.
Shawnella f EnglishIt is the feminine version of "Shawn". Also means gift from god.
Shawon m AmericanAn African-American name that was first used in the early 1990s, and probably as well as the '80s. Means "mooses-faced".
Shaynne m EnglishVariant of
Shane. This is the middle name of Darrel "Darry" Curtis Jr. in S.E. Hinton's coming of age novel,
The Outsiders.
Shayra f AmericanBeautiful child of love. born on valentines. Puerto Rican, American
Sheboygan m AmericanThe name was given to the 14th son (no daughters!) of an American family living in Michigan. According to the press the name the name means "She's a boy again" and goes back to a native American legend... [
Sheffield m EnglishMost likely the place a family member was originally from and then used as a name.
Sheika f African American (Rare)Possibly an invented name using the same sounds found in names such as
Keisha (of which this is an anagram) and
Chaka, or perhaps a feminine form of
Sheikh; compare the English vocabulary word
sheika or
sheikha meaning "female sheikh".
Sheldonia f EnglishPossibly used as a feminine form of
Sheldon, though it also happens to be a genus of land snails.
Shenae f EnglishVariant of
Shanae. A known bearer of this name is Canadian actress Shenae Grimes (b. 1989).